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Mad Max: Fury Road


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Seen it yesterday with some friends and we were blown away.

Yes, we have seen the old trilogy in advance, so we knew what to expect.

The acting was superb, the action was pitch-perfect and wasn't based on rag-doll physics,

and the visual aspect was great. CGI was used to a bare minimum(20%), so the movie looked pretty realistic.

There isn't much dialogue, since the story is told through action.

The movie raises a few relevant topics along the way, which is a nice combination too.

What do you think about it?

P.S. Go watch this on the big screen, tablet isn't acceptable. Also, it was shown on the Cannes film festival.

Edited by SpaceXray
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I liked it. I feel like it could have spent a few more minutes explaining what was going on in the beginning, but I really liked it. The brutal, dystopian, steampunk-ish art style stayed true to the old movies. The action was over-the-top with tons of explosions and crashing cars, which is exactly what I want out of an action movie.

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I'm still on the fence, but I think it might now be my favorite of this style of post-Apocalyptic movie. Not sure how it stands against the very first Mad Max yet.... Ask me again in a few months after the excitement has had time to die down. In a summer that looks to have lots of potentially very bad sequels and remakes, Fury Road was a most unexpected surprise.

And I _still_ want a '73 Ford Falcon "Pursuit Special."

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I liked it. I feel like it could have spent a few more minutes explaining what was going on in the beginning

In my experience things typically get better when people are left a little bit to their own devices. Leave a little bit to the imagination.

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Definitely one of the very best movies of this century. Completely original, exciting, shockingly fluid, with dynamic action that unveils a smart and believable plot with brilliant pace. Completely unique from the dreck that Hollywood has sunk huge budgets into, Fury Road used its budget to create genuinely amazing scenery and practical effects that look like they came strait from the best Eighties movies. The film truly feels epic, but without being forced - the story was big just because it was​.

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i haven't seen it yet and probibly wont for months unless by chance our one screen theater decides to run it (they only run one movie a week). ive been looking forward to this movie for years, just when i thought it was vapor theres a preview for it.

it looks like it takes place between road warrior and thunderdome. what i would like to see is a bridge between mad max and road warrior. in the first movie society is still kind of kicking around, governments still seem to exist (max was a cop). but then by the time of road warrior everything was dead, resources were gone and road gangs were running everything (it was later revealed in thunderdome that nuclear war happened too). so id like to see that all go down. maybe this new movie might explain some of the stuff.

Edited by Nuke
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I seen it and didn't expect much based on previous remakes of various films.

But i liked this one! I don't know how to describe. It is as if some old Manowar song became a movie. :D Full throttle most of the time. Well, the theater played the sound actually a bit too loud. I liked the "acting". I mean, Max was communicating in grunts and single words for the first half hour. :D Moreover, there were lots of pretty visuals and camera work.

Definitely one of the very best movies of this century. Completely original, exciting, shockingly fluid, with dynamic action that unveils a smart and believable plot with brilliant pace. Completely unique from the dreck that Hollywood has sunk huge budgets into, Fury Road used its budget to create genuinely amazing scenery and practical effects that look like they came strait from the best Eighties movies. The film truly feels epic, but without being forced - the story was big just because it was​.

Yes, what i liked, too. No serious plot holes. At least non that i can remember that cause me to stop suspending my disbelieve. Characters are behaving reasonably, given the circumstances.

Edited by DaMichel
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