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More Data Storage for the MPL.

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Most of the time I can find what I need in the game files but this time I was not so lucky I just put up a space station in orbit around the mun and the science jr came back with a bonus of +625 and the limit in the MPL is only as we all know is 500 so does anyone know a way to add more data storage to the MPL without just going to it's cfg file I'm trying to make a new part?

Thanks for all the help. :confused:

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+625 sounds very much like a bug to me, or you're reading something wrongly, or your game is modded to give huge science numbers, or you've selected a huge science bonus in difficulty options, not sure. I've not seen numbers anywhere near that high from experiments around the Mun, loading them into a lab in low Mun orbit.

Whatever the reason, Snark is correct, it's a hard limit of 500, unless you mod the game.

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