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Creating A New Kerbal Experience Trait.

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I was wondering how you make a new EFFECT in EXPERIENCE_TRAIT in Traits.cfg

I know how to make a new class / trait:

name = Commander
title = Commanders
desc = Commanders are veteran pilots.

name = AutopilotSkill
name = RepairSkill


But how do I make a new effect? For that matter, are there other effects available we don't know about? Let's say I wanted to make a Miner or Geologist. (So that I could make a MM-patch for mining equipment to require a Miner or Geologist, just for sake of example.) Or anything else a plug-in, patch, or any other mod might hook into.

The closest answer I found on my own was: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103664-How-do-the-new-EFFECT-modules-work

But it never received any response. However, from the post I gather I need to code the effect in C#, compile it to a *.dll, and put it into GameData? (ie: I need to write a plug-in?) Where do I start? I'm not bad at reverse-engineering example code, documentation, etc. I just can't find any.

Any help, opinions, etc are more than welcome.


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I believe you can find an example from taniwha's Extraplanetary Launchpads here :

The PartModule he made for his XP trait : https://github.com/taniwha-qf/Extraplanetary-Launchpads/blob/a38adaf4131ccc97d192403f5303e937b967e821/Source/Workshop/Workshop.cs

The Experience effect class : https://github.com/taniwha-qf/Extraplanetary-Launchpads/blob/a38adaf4131ccc97d192403f5303e937b967e821/Source/Workshop/ConstructionSkill.cs

By the way your mod idea seems really nice :)

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