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Not receiving proper mission rewards

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I do a mission, and I don't receive the right amount of science as a reward. I have the Administration Building policy "unpaid research program" active at 25%.



I play via Steam with version Windows 8 I7 2.7 ghz, 32G RAM, 2xSLI Nvidia 770

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You won't get the "4+1" points -- you should be getting 4. The number in brackets simply states how much the reward was increased by due to your selected strategies.

From a cursory look, I would conjecture that 3.5 is likely to be the correct amount you ought to be getting, but in the mission rewards display it is simply being rounded up to 4, although this display is not affecting the actual recorded value. This is likely to be a remnant of old code from when science was only given in integer values (i.e., pre-dating the inclusion of administration building strategies).

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The in-game UI shows a rounded value of your total science, if your value was rounded up previously and rounded down currently you will see a different number to what you expect.

See your persistent.sfs file for the accurate value to three decimal places, for example:

name = ResearchAndDevelopment
scene = 7, 8, 5, 6
sci = 134.858

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  vexx32 said:
You won't get the "4+1" points -- you should be getting 4. The number in brackets simply states how much the reward was increased by due to your selected strategies.

I thought about that, but there are other missions that display "nil (+1)" So if the reward is nil, it wasn't increased by 1. (The display in game doesn't include the actual word "nil" just a blank spot indicating zero.)

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  DarkGravity said:
Still getting 3.5 points when the contract says "4(+1)" and still getting 1 point when the contract says only "(+1)" This doesn't seem right.

The 1 point when the contract says only "(+1)" doesn't look right, but that's how it's laid out until it gets changed to reflect the total value followed by the added value properly (if the total value is initially "0" then it won't show a total value at all even when it increases to 1 or more).

It should be saying "4(+1)" when the actual total value is 3.5 because it's rounding to the nearest whole number. Squad could add a decimal point or two to make this clearer.

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