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RP Board Shut down


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This has been a hard decision to make, but upon review of the moderation team it has been decided to temporarily shut down the KSP Roleplaying Boards for an undefined period of time. As it stands the RP community has had several major issues, several attempts at staff to resolve issues, and several major failures overall. Below is the major listing of all issues brought up by the moderation team that has forced me to make this decision.

Below follows the major complaint list,

Cannot abide by the only system of war in existence, the game-master system.

Constantly fall into flaming and arguing, and go off-topic constantly.

Drakomis\' chance given to the community by the proposition fell through entirely.

Cannot separate the person from the role-play.

An immense lack of originality and professionalism that simply can no longer be dealt with.

Consistent spillage into other boards.

Constant discussion to what is allowed and what is not, mini-modding and god-modding is abound.

Regardless of benevolence, any decisive action from the moderation team is met with intense hostility.

RP collapses into a flame war the instant it is put under stress.

Taking things personally rather than something being role-played.

Spamming by new players (caused in part by below)

Inefficient inclusion of new players into system

Partial incomplete Elitism

Disregard for rules.

Sides forming and often taking moderator decisions very personally, proven several times by certain people.

Lack of belief in moderator sincerity and liberal accusation of moderation team decisions.

As of the posting of this thread, KSP Role-playing is hereby shut down entirely until such time as the moderation team can work on a solution.

Ascensiam and Radion are hereby promoted to full KSP Forum mods in light of the situation and their service.

Effected: 2242EST 19MAY12

Effecting Global: Damion Rayne, Training and Recruitment Lead

This decsion is final, and is not up for discussion, debate, or contest.

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