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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. My desire to be directly involved was made clear to Vanamonde and I imagine the rest of the team, only because I thought I was the only one looking in to it at the time. Knowing there are others, work has already begun, and that things are moving forward with something that might be workable... brings me a lot of joy. There was no desire to hide anything from anyone, please grow up and stop seeing malice in everything.
  2. Okay, so, let's start with some tools and options that might work.. https://www.httrack.com/ https://www.cyotek.com/cyotek-webcopy https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Getleft There's also potentially using a Cygwin wget command - https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/wget.html Cygwin is a posix emulator for linux, if memory serves, and has some options we can use to pull down or clone a local copy of the forums. As a note, this would potentially cause increased traffic and load on the server while the pulldown / mirroring is happening and that might potentially crash the server.
  3. Hey all! As many of you know, I'm the former KSP 1 CM (many of you knew me by the moniker of Damion Rayne back in the day.) As the first CM (next to my old talented friend CptSkunky) I still feel responsible for this community, this game, this wonderful franchise that gave me my start in the industry all those years ago. So, that being that... I just wanted to take a moment to discuss our options for Archival, if there really are any. (Which I think there are.) Firstly, I was the person who was directly responsible for choosing VBulletin5 Connect as the forum software solution and upgrade from the original forums. I was not, however, involved in the move to Invision Community which currently powers the forums as that happened well after my departure from the project. That being said, IC is in its 4.x.x versioning. This solution is a PHP/MySQL based forum solution, which means it's written in PHP and for database storage uses MySQL This is just some base level information I thought we should all know about. Now, in short, what's this mean for me? Well, I have no admin level experience with this forum software, nor do I know how its database backup options work. Not that we'd get the database backup regardless.... Now, that's all well and good but what we are actually looking at here? 206,000+ topics across 4.3 million total posts with user data for 226,873 unique users. As I said earlier getting ahold of a database backup is, as far as I know, pretty much impossible without access to the admin back end and direct access to the database itself. That, and the backups are no doubt quite large. So, that leaves us, as a community, with one option.. Pulling the sites data directly from the server while it's still operational using several tool options. Now at a concern of possibly talking about stuff the mod team wouldn't want me talking about, I've reached out to some people in private to let them know what these tools and options are. None of these things are illegal, as they're mostly used to pull down private viewing backups to your local machine. Now, if the mod team allows it, I'll go over the tools and options here later in the thread. Also, if anyone wants to, please feel free to mirror this to reddit, as we might be able to pull some talented peeps from that part of the community to help out. (I'm LadyRaineCloud over there as a note, I just don't post all that often.) Anyway, thoughts? Options? Anyone want to sit down and talk this out? Let me know!
  4. This just breaks my heart. @Gargamel @Vanamonde If there is anything I can do, to help, please let me know.
  5. I hold him responsible and I will hold him to account, because he was the Leader. That's what happens when you're in charge, you take the blame.
  6. I can tell you from personal experience, that you only keep your steamworks backend access if the person you were working for / with, forgets to revoke it. That, and you are 99% likely to loose all access to all accounts as soon as the doors close. Email, Chats, all of it gets shut down and locked out. If, the people shutting this down remember to...
  7. Watching the depots is only going to make you angrier or more disheartened. Depots being updated means almost nothing for the end user. It only means that someone, is doing some sort of work on something. Maybe. Could be merges, could be pushing updates to branches, who knows.
  8. No, and you wont, because the publisher is lying about the game still being "in development".
  9. Sadness, Anger, and Disappointment. I want answers, and I think as a community we are entitled to demand them, and we are entitled to demand them while forgoing "Tact" and "Politeness" as those options have failed. I look to leadership of both the studio and the publisher and I want to hold them to account for their abject failure. Kerbal Space Program was my first entry in to the games industry, my first love, my first "Best Destiny" as Spock said to Kirk. It sparked my love of STEM, of Spaceflight, sparked my wanderlust, and launched my career. I love this community I helped build all those years ago when I was given my first shot, and I am not only furious for myself, I am furious for all of you. You all deserved, we all deserved, so much better than this. I will also Say, Yes, Nate, I blame you. I hold you directly to account because you were the leader, that's what happens as a leader, when something fails or succeeds. You take the heat and the praise. You owe us answers.
  10. 1. tell me you don't know how NDA's work without telling me you don't know how NDA's work, 2. The ONLY thing I want to hear from him is full accountability and responsibility. Sorry not sorry, but as the creative director, I hold him personally responsible for this failure and damage to the franchise and I'd rather that not happen here on the forums where people would result to personal attacks. 3. That being that, what's he really going to say?
  11. Then don't buy GTA 6. Actually stand by your principles. Don't buy anything from, 2K Rockstar Ghost Story Zynga All of these are owned by Take Two.
  12. Honestly, having built forums multiple times over, this is not an easy thing to do. There's so much to talk about like picking the forum software, any sort of hosting or domain names, rules, moderation guidelines, etc. The kind of community we'd want to build making sure it's a safe enough environment for everyone that loves KSP, as well as worrying about any possible legal takedown action from the IP holders whoever they are. I'd be up for it, and I'd support and offer my hand in building it, but I don't know what sort of hunger there is really for the community. Also, as already stated, there's a lot of history here in this place. Including my first posts as Community Manager that I sometimes look back on to remember the good times. All the mod threads, the WIP mod threads, all the vessel sharing, missions, stories, et all. There's just, way to much here and we don't and will never get access to the database to mirror it or save any of it. As the others have suggested, I think the best course of action is a new dedicated KSP fan ran community discord server. That also, is something I have a great deal of experience in building and running and managing, but it's also a lot of work to really set one up well.
  13. Again, I question LGG's full view of the code base in the first place and yes I will bite that bullet and die on that hill.
  14. I question how much of the code he's actually looked at before making that statement in the first place. To make that statement, he'd have to seen the entire code base and I doubt that's a thing that's actually happened considering we don't have the source for starters.
  15. I respectfully disagree with @linuxgurugamer's statement that KSP2 as it stands at the moment is an entirely unsalvageable "Start over" project. I can't believe people are even entertaining this as an idea. With respect to all of his work over the years, this is just not a statement I agree with at all. As to this video, thanks for covering this @ShadowZone and thanks for bringing on Matt and Scott. Good work. I have some issues with things said in the video, but I don't see much a point in going over that now. I'm just glad someone is publicly digging like this and calling out T2, but do not expect to ever see anything from them.
  16. Hey all, been a rough time lately, will post updates this weekend.
  17. What they have shown, is an abject failure, to communicate with us.
  18. Thanks, I'll do just that and install both SACD and KAC.
  19. Does this replace the stock kerbal alarm clock function?
  20. Yes, yes it is, Thank you for making it. <3
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