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    Armchair Armstrong

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  1. Ehr, according to SZ video, quite the opposite is true.
  2. I still don't get why anyone takes Elon's statements so seriously. He is just his own propaganda machine. Also,"kerbal like" doesn't necessarily mean space travel sim. Kithack is also kerbal-like game...
  3. Not necessarily all. Socialism was relatively kind to us.
  4. Ehr... I don't recall Intercept being closed officially... Is it? Yeah, entire team is gone, but is the studio closed?
  5. Uhm... How are we going to rename this thread after June 28th? Truth denial hype train?
  6. I was just about to ask about it. Hope we get a glimpse of colonies.
  7. @ShadowZone I guess it's pointless now, but I miss your table with patch statistics...
  8. I still don't see a reason why would they be obliged to that. However, will that patch include stuff from an entire planned roadmap? In various stages of incompleteness ofc. It would be interesting to see it.
  9. 28th me thinks. Though I doubt they'll release it in the last moment... if they release it at all.
  10. I'm surprised no one mentioned rocket painting. It really added style to the crafts. Jool moons also look amazing.
  11. I suppose that is what's in the works now. I do hope we get one additional patch. It's the only reason I'm still here.
  12. Does a slim chance exist? Maybe. But it isn't worth wasting time on it.
  13. It is. There's hardly trillions of us, and the rest of the world doesn't care. Yeah, it's a bummer, but not the end of the world. Just move on.
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