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Everything posted by RayneCloud

  1. Anyone else having black rings around the stars or having the stars shine right through planets?
  2. I would imagine so, given what I know of the first version of PQS. Though, PQS in KSP 2 is a whole different beast. Just speculation though.
  3. I've not kept an eye on this thread because I'm working on my own project at the moment in a different gaming market space. So, sorry for that. I'm not sure if there's much for me to add really, or answer, at least from my personal experience and please remember that I do not work for IG/KSP 2 Team. (Though I wish I did, yes, even with things being a bit rough.) Anywho, let me know if there's anything else I can attempt to answer. (I'm not a subject matter expert as a note, just a former CM and QA lead with some experience and study behind me.)
  4. Great update, but if I have one single nitpick, it's that the last titles have been a little... well.. concerning/dark/etc? Not sure how to put it really.
  5. Wonderful, honest, straight forward. Thank you Nate.
  6. I have no idea honestly, If I had to wager a guess, it's not something we're going to see within the next 3 to 6 months. Again, that's a GUESS, I have NO CLUE and I don't work on this project, and I'm not an expert on HDRP and CBT at all. I'm just assuming several working months ahead here.
  7. Updated with Community Fixes as suggested by @LeroyJenkins
  8. Oh, I just, didn't understand why you mentioned me is all Joe Just confused.
  9. So, if you want to see that for yourself, here's a space game using HDRP - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161580/Hardspace_Shipbreaker/ Nebulous Fleet Command also uses HDRP and has an incredibly demanding simulation on the backend - https://store.steampowered.com/app/887570/NEBULOUS_Fleet_Command/ Hmm?
  10. I literally wrote in my post that I do not work on KSP 2. I do not work for IG. Did you read it?
  11. HDRP or the High Definition Render Pipeline.. What is it? HDRP is a hybrid rendering solution that supports a lot of modern rendering techniques, things such as rasterized ray tracing and path tracing. Among many other modern rendering features and solutions. The move to Unity HDRP has me (as a lay person, remember I'm just a QA lead that knows enough to understand the very basics here) very excited with the future goals of this project now. Let's see a few nifty bits about HDRP and what it can offer to any projects utilizing it shall we? Let's take a look at some lighting, atmospherics, and terrain videos. Lighting Clouds and Atmospherics Enhanced Terrain Systems Unity HDRP Workflow Demo and Terrain Demo by JaniYa For CBT or "Concurrent Behavior Trees" I'd like to showcase something from SIGGRAPH 2021, Remember, this is a year + old and has advanced much past this demo video. Here's some nifty Photos with HDRP, In short, the move to Unity HDRP and moving forward with a CBT based terrain generation system, that those of us in the industry have seen studies and early tech on, is one that has me extremely excited for the future. While I'm not even remotely capable of explaining this like Mortoc, would, or even truly capable of understanding all of it myself... I hope these videos and some of my own research can help you all get a little more excited about the future as well. This is just me, as a note, exploring and researching and keeping track of tech in the industry and not me saying "This is coming for ksp!" I don't work for IG, I have no clue what they're doing anymore than you do outside current communications, my goal here is just to just educate and excite people and maybe inspire others to pursue a career in game development. Please take this post at its core meaning, education.
  12. That's just like, your opinion man. It's also one I don't agree with, and one I think you are absolutely wrong on if you bother exploring any of the planets and see things that KSP 1 could not generate.
  13. Today was lots of good comms Nate, thanks so much.
  14. Here's a vid going in to CBT in terrain from SIGGRAPH for those curious. I'm VERY Excited about the future of a CBT based terrain generation system.
  15. This is what I was looking forward to! Thanks so much!
  16. For the love of the good gods in the sky, this isn't a "Waiting" situation. *slams her head in to her desk* Devs don't "wait" to put a patch out. We get bug reports, we collate, attempt to reproduce, triage, work on fixes, merge fixes, test fixes before and after merges, hope fix a doesn't cause bug b, and work hard towards getting a public build out that is stable, performant, and the "fixes" actually STICK. How many times have you read dev notes for another game that said, You went and played he update, and sure enough, "Nope, X is not fixed, also you broke Y" Hmm? How many times? I might be frustrated and disappointed like the rest of you, believe me I am, but I want a solid, performant, stable, first patch to come in like a wrecking ball and fix as much as possible. I will wait. I have KSP 1 mods to keep me company. I have dozens of other games, I'm certain a lot of you have large libraries as well, go explore something else. So many of you forget patch 0.7.3, the first version of KSP and how very little there was, KSP 0.7.3 didn't even have space in it... So many of you forget the 91 Updates across nearly a decade of work. So many of you forget the monthly update cadence that KSP 1 had until release. (or near monthly, 0.16 was July 2012 and 0.17 was sept 2012 but meh, point stands) I would ask you lot to stop wildly speculating about a work flow, and work environment you know nothing about (and that's not an insult, it's just the truth, I don't either.) but if you're not going to, you can at least stop wildly speculating about motives and intent for a few days? Good gods above it's annoying. "The devs are waiting so people can't refund!" Like... COME ON. GROW UP. Good lords. I'm going to regret posting this as soon as I post it, I know that, but, meh, I'm frustrated to so...take it or leave it.
  17. You know you're like the 3rd or 4th person to post something like this? Games drop off. Especially EA games. Do you know how many games on steam have above a 1000 players? Above a 150, out of nearly 60,000 games on team.
  18. You need to test the fixes you have implemented so that they don't break other things, and actually "take" as in, the fixes actually work. I'm sure we've all seen "Fixed X" dev notes in any of our fave games only to go test that fix and, welp, no, it's not fixed.
  19. I remain as supportive, positive, and optimistic as I possibly can be. However, the public news of layoffs, the review scores, the absolute denial and "all is well!" "just do another weekly challenge!" attitude is not helping. Not when 50% of the community has an extremely degraded gameplay experience, and the viewpoint is that there is a straight up refusal to address the communities fears and worries. The fears and worries being that KSP 2 will not see a completed road map. We need, and deserve, answers. Not corp speak, answers. We need and deserve communication, not "in the coming days and weeks and months" Now. Talk to us, the community, and answer our questions, honestly. Please. Side Note: This is not an "Oh god even Rayne is scared!" situation. I've been supportive, positive, and over all optimistic and I will remain so, but todays news of layoffs was an incredibly huge blow to my own moral and hopes and dreams of KSP2 as a player and a lover of this franchise. It was a huge blow to the morale, faith, and overall atmosphere of the community. That, is why I am asking for answers. So in short, Talk to us, please. Respectfully, Rayne.
  20. Yes, thank you for posting something literally everyone knows and can see as though it's some sort of news. Congratulations.
  21. Yes, that's how it is now. I just block people and move on. It helps.
  22. Lots Share these vids with people often when talking about KSP. Would love to hear how you actually designed and planned these missions one day.
  23. Ah, I must have misunderstood then, fair point Shadow.
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