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Mun Base disappeared

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Did I hit a bug, or am I doing something wrong? I haven't played much since 0.25, and playing Normal Career mode. Did they add life support or something? I had 9 kerbals, including 3 of my orange suits in a Mun Base, and it's vanished. They're all listed as KIA in the astronaut complex.

I couldn't have accidentally hit recover, since it's not on Kerbin. I couldn't have terminated it from the Tracking Station, as I didn't get a Terminate Confirmation dialog. There's no debris where the station was (I don't clear debris and have it set high). The only sign they were there is a flag I planted next to the station.

This happened a few days ago with the same station, but luckily, I still had my quick save with it. No such luck this time. Didn't there use to be a backup save file?

Is this a known issue?

Edited by Soda Popinski
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If it disapeared once before and now again, then welcome to the Kraken. And *OUCH*, nine kerbals. If you Alt-F9, are there any other saves listed? Also In the future, you can Alt-F5 to make named backup saves.

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Send an investigation team :)

Seriously though, it's a Kraken. Use ALT + F9 and search through the saves where it is still there. Also if you uninstalled some mods whose parts were used in that base this could cause it to disappear.

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Forgot about Alt-F5 and Alt-F9. I'll have to remember that next time. I did notice when I had the cargo bay doors open, they sort of lifted the whole thing up, and it moved a bit. That may have had some Krakeny influence.

I just ended up editing the quicksave file, resurrecting them (status from dead to available), and erased record of their last mission and deaths. I also refunded myself the cost of the rocket to send the Mun base. So I just redid it. Lost a bit of time, but better than loosing 9 gallant crewmen PLUS time.

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I just ended up editing the quicksave file, resurrecting them (status from dead to available), and erased record of their last mission and deaths. I also refunded myself the cost of the rocket to send the Mun base. So I just redid it. Lost a bit of time, but better than loosing 9 gallant crewmen PLUS time.

Turning back time, resurrecting the dead... feeling as a GOD :D

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