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The NEW KSP Heavyweight Lifter Challenge (EX-TREME)

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Alright! So after some careful looking investigation it came to my attention that there hasn't been one of these since the all Mainsail-Orange Tank lifter days... And taking into consideration that KSP 1.0 released a mere few weeks ago, I decided it was about time the KSP forums took another dive into the realm of....... REALLY BIG LIFTERS! Now that that's over with, the challenge itself is quite simple. The goal is to build the most powerful lifter you possibly can and deliver a payload into a circular orbit around Kerbin.


Let me know if the contrast is too much. I was going for a really light retro-ey look. Use at your own discretion.


You need to build a lifter with the greatest carrying capacity you can muster, throw a payload on, and get it into an orbit circular within 1 kilometer (Difference between Apoaps and Periaps should be less than 1000 meters). BAM! You're done. Post a screenshot of your Launcher in the VAB (Or SPH :rolleyes:) and on the pad, as well as one showing its final orbit with the Apoaps and Periaps highlighted. Finally, I need a screenshot of the map view info tab after payload jettison and one of the same payload in its final orbit with the resources tab open. Sandbox mode is not required, but highly recommended.


Obviously, no cheats. The only mods allowed for the "Stock" challenge are Kerbal Construction Time (for recovery), Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (for recovery), and Stage Recovery (also for recovery, see Bonus Points section for more details). If it wasn't obvious already, Stock Parts only for the stock challenge. The modded leader boards allow usage of only plugin-less parts mods eg. SpaceY, KSPX, etc. Parts clipping is permitted to an extent, which means no magical fuel tanks clipping inside each other or any other "cheaty" shenanigans :wink:. I'll leave the participant to be the judge of this but a good rule of thumb is if you have to ask yourself if it's cheaty, it probably is.


The Payload can be anything at all as long as it includes only stock parts and has mass. The payload is defined as any SINGLE object the lifter delivers to a circular orbit around Kerbin which does not have room for fuel (Xenon, Oxidizer, Liquid Fuel, Monoprop). Any submission not fitting this definition will not be eligible for a place on the leader board.


The Lifter can be absolutely anything as long as it has the ability to carry a payload to a circular orbit around Kerbin. The more powerful the better for you.


Points received per entry are based on the lifters capacity. The formula is M*O where M is the mass in tons of the payload and O is the final Apoaps of the payload to the nearest kilometer (Since a periaps could still be 900 meters bellow it and round-able to a different number). All bonus points are added to this. The greater the points you have, the better. A 20 ton payload to an 80 by 80 kilometer orbit without taking into account bonus points is around 1,600 points. My suggestion is to go for higher altitude over greater payload weight.​


+Any recovered funds×2. Recovery mods highly recommended but not required. Additional screenshot of any recovered funds required. Anything from boosters recovered on launch, to a probe core with a heat shield returning after satellite delivery, to a space plane landing is admissible.

+6,000 for no fuel lines. I'm going to go with your word on this one.

+6,000 for less than 500 parts used.

+5,000 for no struts. Again, taking your word for it.

+500 for a craft file. This is to encourage sharing. I'll post it in the OP next to your username on the leader board if you choose to submit one.

+1,000 for no ion engines.























Good Luck Kerbanauts :cool:. Constructive criticism is welcomed.

Edited by Spacepetscompany
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In other words, this is a challenge to see who has the beefiest computer. Bonus points for not using 3.75m? All that is does artificially raise your part count.

I like the basic concept of this challenge, but I think the rules and bonus points need to be define better/differently.

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In other words, this is a challenge to see who has the beefiest computer. Bonus points for not using 3.75m? All that is does artificially raise your part count.

I like the basic concept of this challenge, but I think the rules and bonus points need to be define better/differently.

You have a point. I'll remove the Bonus for not using 3.75m parts.

an interesting bonus would be a part count limit, under 500 parts or so, you get a bonus. Also a no-clipping bonus.

I'll add the 500 part limit bonus. I'll change the rules to accommodate for parts clipping.

Edited by Spacepetscompany
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Clipping isn't allowed (I consider it cheating as it's part of the dev cheat menu)

Because of this thing called the offset tool, there's no need to use debug menu to clip, and also it more or less gives the official green light on part clipping as a non-cheat option, ergo I do not believe this is a fair determination to make. A better rule would be "do not clip fuel tanks into each other to increase fuel density" or something to that effect.

- - - Updated - - -

Also a mods leaderboard might be worthwhile. I put 300 tons in orbit the other day on a dare but I was using SpaceY heavy lift engines because that lets me do it without stupifying part counts.

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