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[1.5.1] Engine Lighting (1.5.1) Little Config Update (13 October)


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Full credit goes to ToXik-yogHurt for the latest update!


Engine Lighting

Now Real Fuels compatible




A simple mod that adds lighting effects to all engines!

And now it also adds effects to all your decouplers!

This mod adds lighting effects to all engines on the game (and most modded ones!)

Light intensity is calculated from thrust and engine power, so the Mainsail will emit much more light than the Ant engine!

Videos by TinyPirate & GrunfWorks!



Some Images:

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This mod is up on CKAN! Search for "EngineLighting"!

SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/272/Engine Lighting

Source Code (Github): https://github.com/tatjam/KSP-EngineLight (From before 1.5 update, will update it soon)

Source Code (Github): https://github.com/ToXik-yogHurt/EngineLightUnofficial (1.5 update)

Alternative Download (Github): https://github.com/tatjam/KSP-EngineLight/releases


Simply place the contents of the "GameData" folder inside the zip file into your game's GameData folder.

Remember to update Module Manager.

I recommend installing RealPlume for the real experience!

Known Issues:


  • High power engines sometimes light planets up from space (only in map view?)  [Fixed in 1.5.0 by ToXik-yogHurt]
  • MiniAVC download will link you to the now offline *... (It will still check for updates correctly) [Fixed in 1.4.3]


Update Plan: (Note: Stuff may change)

  • 1.5.9 (Really Real RealFuels) [0%]
    • Jittery light when engine is unstable
    • Solid fuel rockets make more light than liquid engines
    • (Maybe) Certain propellants make more light than other
    • -- All these features MAY require a Real Fuels API--


  • 1.6  (Config Edition) [0%]
    • Toolbar button and config window [0%]
    • Global settings taken away from ModuleManager parts (You will still be able to manually patch single engines) [0%]
    • Optinal Vertex-Light mode (Better perfomance, less effects) [0%]
    • (Optional) Lens flares [0%]


Feedback is welcome!


Full credit to ToXik-yogHurt for his amazing work on the 1.5 version!

Cheers! :D

Edited by tajampi
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  Toyotawolf said:
And finally another reason to launch at night

Will this be CKAN compatible?

As it says in the OP:

  tajampi said:

This mod is avaible on CKAN! Search for "EngineLighting"! (Not yet up on CKAN)

Hope that helps!

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Downloaded. Good job.

I haven't tried it yet, but based on your pictures, is it always the same color light? Some engines produce a blue flame like the one in your picture, wouldn't that be blue light?

Edited by Alshain
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Thanks for the feedback :D

About the colors, i will try to implement some kind of color changing to blue when you approach space!

I sadly, can't do much about the light clipping, as enabling shadows lags a lot... (maybe an option)

Cheers! :D

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  MK3424 said:
Looks like a replay of the movie "Sunshine"

Well its actually not that bad, but I'd tune down the overall effects to about a 10% of the actual power, subtle is better and more realistic, specially when you've got some engine clusters, since it seems the lighting from the engines stacks.

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  eodh said:
Well its actually not that bad, but I'd tune down the overall effects to about a 10% of the actual power, subtle is better and more realistic, specially when you've got some engine clusters, since it seems the lighting from the engines stacks.

Have you ever been to a real night launch? I have, when that shuttle went up it might has well have been daytime and I was miles away. Subtle may be better for the game, but don't call it realistic.

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  Alshain said:
Have you ever been to a real night launch? I have, when that shuttle went up it might has well have been daytime and I was miles away. Subtle may be better for the game, but don't call it realistic.

It's more that the lighting in the game isn't the same as in real life. I've been a shuttle night launch as well and it is so bright it's like watching a sunrise, but it doesn't actually light up the shuttle itself the same way the game lights the spacecraft with point lights. The shuttle is pretty evenly lit because all of the light on it is coming from reflections off the ground and diffused light from the exhaust.


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  Alshain said:
Have you ever been to a real night launch? I have, when that shuttle went up it might has well have been daytime and I was miles away. Subtle may be better for the game, but don't call it realistic.

I know, but this mod doesn't do that anyways, all it does is lighting the parts itelf and the effect its too strong to simulate actual light refraction. What you say would imply some kind of ambient light modification when the engines are on, which would be cool btw but not the topic I was talking about.

See what I meant in this comparison:



Edit: Essentialy, what Why485 says :)

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