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Centre of thrust indicator pointing into the wrong direction (VAB/SPH)

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I noticed this when trying to build a space shuttle clone.

Could anyone please confirm the report below?

KSP Version: v1.0.2.842 (Steam)

OS: Windows 7, 64bit

What Happens:

Thrust indictor pointing in the VAB/SPH is pointing into the wrong direction for ships with more than one engine.

Actually, it's pointing into the direction of the engine that was added last.

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock

Steps to Replicate:

Build a ship with 4 engines, do not use any symmetrie mode

0) Go to the VAB

1) Pick the orange tank

2) Add the Stack Quad-Adapter

3) Add four engines without using symmetrie mode (add each engine separatly, important!)

4) Tilt any of the engines.

An example of such a design is shown here:


The engine that is not tilted, was placed last. All engines are at 100% thrust. Thrust indicator is pointing horizontally (the same direction as the last engine.)


The direction of the thrust indicator (purple arrow) only changes if the engine placed last is tilted.

The thrust indicator in the picture above points horizontally. This does not represent the correct direction of the thrust vector.

The result if you launch the rocket above is seen here:




Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:

Example rocket: http://imgur.com/t51eufw

Rocket on launch pad: http://imgur.com/V5TtMYz

Edited by Claw
fixed typos
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I can confirm this.


There are 8 TurboJets and one Skipper pointing aft (that's a lot o' thrust). Pointing in other directions (inside the cargo bay) is 1 48-7S (spark) pointing directly forwards and 4 LV-1 (ant) engines pointing sideways, (minuscule amount of thrust compared to the main engines) yet the thrust indicator is pointing forwards (and slightly to one side). I'd not appreciated that it was due to the last engine placed, but that makes sense with this as the cargo was the last thing to be added to the craft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting this same bug with O-10 "Puff" monopropellant thrusters, when they are placed in Symmetry mode.

Placing two Puff engines on a lander with no other engines, with 2x radial symmetry mode, dropped on the left side:


Placing the two thrusters the exact same way, but dropping on the right side:


Placing one thruster only, no symmerty mode, on the left side, to show the error in direction is the same:


I was shuffling parts around on the rover, trying to fix an unwanted pitch on my lander when thrusting. I rotated the Puff engines to point downward, and that made the arrow at least point mostly in the right direction. Might get more dV from them that way anyway. Obviously this will not help people with other situations.


Edited by misterbk
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  • 4 weeks later...
Are those placed with symmetry?

of course

Do you get a different result if you place them one at a time?

nope. direction of trust changed to direction of last placed engine


Edited by Grek
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That, and the ground texture stretching bug, the VAB build soundtrack looping and getting cut up randomly, the KSC birdsong cutting out after a while, the mk3 landing gear's wheels being locked, the game's massive memory leaks, and tons of other bugs that will probably be never fixed.

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Man, for every bug they squash, 2 more appear.


Hydra Space Program?

So you know what it's like when the same thread pops up in every forum? :P

Place your threads in the appropriate forums. Your compliance will be rewarded.


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