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Thoughts on Majors/minors in college


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TL;DR version: To do physics minor/major or not?

Right now I've finished 2 years of undergrad. Due to financial aid being lost after my first year (due to IRS income report error, not bad grades) I was at a local community college this year. I would have transferred to a different university but the school I attended freshman year (which is a private school at $50k+/yr), notified me July 31st that my aid for the upcoming year had been removed entirely.

Notification so late in the summer left me literally one option, which was to do community college and finish my AA. (Which I have now done). I started first semester of freshman year as a Computer Engineering major and hated it, and have been a business major since then. I have a high cumulative GPA, about 3.8. My HS GPA was 3.92, SAT scores all 700+, 4 AP courses senior year alone, 5's on all of the tests, honors for most everything else in HS, at a private HS, not public.

I've been accepted to two schools in FL, UF and Rollins College (Private), thus far. Both schools accepted me as a Business major, but at this point I'm concerned it might not be the best choice for me. I'm considering the following possibilities:

A) Business major, economics minor

B) Business major, physics minor

C) Econ. major, physics minor

D) Physics major, econ minor

E) Physics major, business minor

When/if I get a master's degree, I'd like it to be in Physics more so than an MBA. But even there I'm not really sure. I know the first question on the mind of one reading this is probably what I want to do. Ideally, power industry, not as an engineer but as a high level businessman with a grasp on the science.

I'm not really sure if I would be able to change majors so drastically as D and E would suggest, but I am open to any thoughts. Feedback appreciated. :)

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"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school."

Physics would probably be better, Jack Welch also graduated in chemical engineering, not business.

My personal opinion is that B) sounds good.

Edited by theend3r
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