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Hey! You can click companies in Mission Control and read about them!


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You can click on company icons!

In the mission control building in career!

And it changes to show a description of the company!

With contract attribute tendencies bullet points!

That is all.

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Did not know this, thanks. That said, why did Squad call what is in effect a "Contract Office," Mission Control? Mission Control is where NASA controls missions in flight (what the "Tracking Station" does. Odd.

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I've noticed something rather odd with the company descriptions in that they will show the strengths and weaknesses of each company for funds, science and reputation. However these actually mean nothing and doesn't affect anything.

I have almost identical contracts pop up from 2 companies to do temperature scans of the Mun. One from Reaction Systems Ltd (who are strong at science but have low rep) and one from Zaltonic Electronics (who are strong at cash rewards but weak in rep and science). The contracts still have identical rewards.





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Looks like Squad planned on implementing a more robust contract system at one point but didn't finish implementing it. Hopefully they'll finish it up at some point, it would be really nice to be able to determine at a glance (without having to read all the fine print) which contracts have what you want (funds, rep, science).

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I've noticed something rather odd with the company descriptions in that they will show the strengths and weaknesses of each company for funds, science and reputation. However these actually mean nothing and doesn't affect anything.

I have almost identical contracts pop up from 2 companies to do temperature scans of the Mun. One from Reaction Systems Ltd (who are strong at science but have low rep) and one from Zaltonic Electronics (who are strong at cash rewards but weak in rep and science). The contracts still have identical rewards.





Not exactly identical. Zaltonic is giving out more cash as advance and for completing the contract. They also want more back for failure. Granted the difference is only 1 percent, but it is consistently and exactly that over all three values. As the other rewards are in the single digits, differences that small simply won't be visible, or they got rounded out entirely. It does seem an awfully small factor though. I do also think that the company traits not getting reflected on the objective rewards is likely worth filing a bug report for.

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