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Rescueing Kerbal and Experience

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Hi fellow Kerbonauts!

So i just learned the fact that the kerbals you rescue, wil become yours. I didn't know this and I was paying L300.000 per kerbonaut by now.

That gave me the plan to set up a rescue and training program.

My plan is this in short: you accept an contract, launch the rocket, catch the kerbal from let's say Kerbin orbit and then continue (all in one flight) to the Mun, land on Minmus and just touch Kerbol orbit for a moment and land and recover on Kerbin(to get 16,75 XP (Kerbin orbit 2 XP, Mun orbit 3XP, Minmus landing 5,75XP and Kerbol orbit 6XP).

My question is this: do rescued kerbonauts, from the moment they are in your rescue vehicle, start gaining XP? (of course I know they have to go to KSC at one point to get those stars)

Thanks in advance!!

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Usually if I rescue someone from Kerbin orbit, they are given 2XP on landing due to having orbited Kerbin, so yes I think it would track their experience if you sent them off to other bodies rather than returning to ground immediately.

Interesting idea, though note that not all stranded Kerbals start in a nice, low, equatorial orbit of Kerbin now...

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They will return with a full star (Kerbin Orbit = 2)

If you land anyway, plant a flag for one additional XP.

This depend on location, Mun and Minmus just give an fraction of an XP, Eeloo give more than one, but its an nice bonus and worth the extra work unless you run an cruise line.

Two get 3 stars fast do an Mun orbit or even flyby, then Minmus landing and flag planting followed by an short dip outside kerbin SOI,

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