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Kraken Trees?


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So I'm driving an amphibous rover and after a long sea crossing, I put ashore to drive across a stretch of dry ground. I've had terrain scatter set on 10% since forever, but when I got on land, there were no trees, so I just assumed this particular biome didn't have any. I drove for many clicks across totally empty country, then saved and quit the game.

A while later, I restarted the game but when I tried to select the rover from the tracking station, the game crashed instantly. This happened several times. I could select other ships in orbit no problem, so I then used the map view to switch from one of them to the rover. And the game crashed. But this time, at least the rover appeared on the screen for a moment before the crash. And in that brief movment, I saw a light, 10%-ish scattering of trees all around it, including behind it where they had been no trees when it drove through there before I saved.

The crash logs all implicated the temperature gauges, nothing about trees. But I went to settings and turned terrain scatter off completely with the button, not the slider. And this time, I was able to get back to the rover and drive on no problem.

So, "Kraken Trees". It was like the game had forgotten it was supposed to be drawing ground scatter and when it remembered, it threw a bunch of trees out there all at once. Anybody else have something like this happen?

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Ground scatter isn't persistent. Nor does it have a collision mesh.

Not sure how this in any way answers the question.

@Geschosskopf absolutely no clue. I play with ground scatter off since I fly planes a lot and it has a memory leak when under 10km.

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not entirely related but I recently discovered the trees myself.. does anyone experience terrain going TOO dark with trees on? I mean it looks nice n all but my headlights barely illuminate the ground during the day or night.. I love how it looks but had to turn it off because I simply cant see where im going..

as for the bug.. is it possible you saved a game "through" a tree? I know they dont have any physics etc but KSP has a strange way of handling everything..restarting a save while being inside a tree might trigger things.. does turning off trees moving a bit to a clear field then enabling them work ok?

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So, "Kraken Trees". It was like the game had forgotten it was supposed to be drawing ground scatter and when it remembered, it threw a bunch of trees out there all at once. Anybody else have something like this happen?

Yes, I have that quite regularly (already at 0.90 times): No ground scatter at first, but it appears on quickload (actually, I normally don't notice until I reload for another reason).

I don't have crashes, though. It sounds like your crashes might be out-of-memory conditions (I'm using the Linux 64-bit binary, so it wouldn't affect me).

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Not sure how this in any way answers the question.

Meaning "whatever algorithm/seeding method they use, it's not persistent across sessions, so there's no guarantee rocks/trees will be in the same place next time." Somebody correct me if that's been changed, though. So trees appearing/vanishing between sessions should not be a surprise.

As for the "no collision" comment, it means spawning a tree through your vessel shouldn't cause Krackening, so that shouldn't be the problem. There is that memory leak, but it happened early in the session…?

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Meaning "whatever algorithm/seeding method they use, it's not persistent across sessions, so there's no guarantee rocks/trees will be in the same place next time." Somebody correct me if that's been changed, though. So trees appearing/vanishing between sessions should not be a surprise.

First I've ever heard of that, and I don't think it's correct. From what I've always seen, once scatter is generated for a given patch of terrain, it stays there forever in that particular saved game. Now, if you start a new game and go to the same place, the scatter will be different because it's randomly generated, but again, it will be persistent within that new game.

And anyway, that's not the issue I was having. I was getting zero scatter at all for a long while even though apparently it should have been visible. 10% scatter isn't much but always before, even in low-scatter biomes, you get at least 1 tree/boulder/cactus per kilometer so can always see numerous examples, provided there's supposed to be some there to begin with. IOW, no scatter visible has always meant that none was supposed to be there, and that's what I was thinking as I was driving along here. But when I reopened the save, suddenly there were trees all around, in such density that I'd have noticed them before had they been being drawn then.

So, we have 2 possible problems. Either the game in the 1st session wasn't drawing trees when it should have been, or in the 2nd session it decided for reasons unknown suddenly to start drawing trees where no trees should really have been.

I tend to favor the 1st option. There might be some adaptive framerate thing that cuts down on detail as needed to keep the game running as memory starts to run out. Given that I'd been playing for a long time crossing the ocean before driving up on land, probably memory was getting full so the game just didn't draw the trees. Then, when I restarted the game, memory was pretty empty so the trees got drawn, and they by themselves were enough to crash the game.

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Trees. I'd like to have them and they looked great in previous versions but whenever I see pine trees appear in 1.02 I cringe in fear and huddle behind a large pillow as my framerates plummet from a constant 80 to single digit levels as I descend below 10,000 meters or when the ground and those infernal pine trees are in view, followed by a crash.

I have since, disabled terrain scattering due to these new Pine Trees of Eternal Doom.

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I play with ground scatter off since I fly planes a lot and it has a memory leak when under 10km.

Oh really! hmmmm, that is good to know. Is it a case of the more scatter the worse the leak or is it independent of scatter % and best just to turn it off completely?

(So what doesn't cause memory leaks in KSP these days?! ;) )

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