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Small easy to fly spaceplane assisted rocket

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I have created a two stage spaceplane/rocket that is very easy to fly. It is capable of landing on Minmus (The Mun is not yet been tested). All you have to do is Activate the Advanced SAS and push the throttle all the way up. Once in the air nose up to about 30 degrees and wait until main rocket is out of full. Decouple from the spaceplane and assend into space.


Take Off


On runway.


Just after decouple


Taking off from Minmus

When flying do not raise the landing gear. There is an issue which if you raise the landing gear you will lower the landing legs (The landing legs create too much drag).

If it was possible to fly the decoupled stage you could land it and use it again along with the lander. Making it debris free and 100% part recoverable.

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