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Splitting up science

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So I have a bunch of science reports in my lab. Some of them can still be turned into data in that lab, so I'd like to keep them there as 'fuel' for it. Others have been used up, so I'd like to return them to Kerbin for the recovery science. However, I can't figure out any way to split them up- I can only seem to remove them all as a group, leaving the lab empty. Any suggestions?

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Is the science still in the science modules (mystery goo, thermometer etc)? Than you can get a scientist to take that science and store it in another command pod wich you can recover on Kerbin.

Hope this helps

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Explanation is below, but the TL;DR is: You don't need to worry about this, go ahead and take them out of the science lab, it won't hurt anything.


There's the science data, and then there's the science.

The science is the thing you pull out of an instrument and store it wherever (could be in a command pod, could be in a science lab, wherever). This is the thing that gives you science points when you retrieve it on Kerbin, and which is consumed in the process.

The science data is what goes into the science lab when you click the yellow "analyze" button on the science report. This is the thing that the lab can only hold 500 of. This is the thing that the lab uses when it runs continuously to generate science points over time.

The important thing to understand is that these are completely separate things. The science lab only cares about science data. It doesn't care about actual science at all. It happens to be the case that you can store the science in the lab if you want to (just as you can store it in a command pod, if you want to)... but the science lab neither needs nor uses it in any way.

So here's how your science-gathering operation should look like:

1. Acquire science (via instrument, crew report, EVA, or surface sample).

2. Put that science somewhere that is physically connected to a science lab. Doesn't have to be in the lab. It could be stored in a command pod of a vessel that's docked to the vessel that has the science lab, for example.

3. Review the science data. If it hasn't been analyzed yet by that particular science lab, then the "review science" UI will have a yellow "analyze" button. Click that. This uploads the data for that science result into the lab.

4. Repeat #3 for all of your science results.

5. At this point, the science lab has received all of the science data and no longer cares about any of the actual science results.

6. Return your science results to Kerbin and retrieve them to get points you can now spend on the tech tree.

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I understand that you want to split the science data used in the lab from the data you still can use in the lab. That is not possible. The thing is you hardly need to. Science lab is so overpowered right now that a single lab with 6 scientists gave me enough points to complete the tree just from KSC data and Kerbin data... After that i collected everything from minmus and put it in a landed lab with 10 scientists... The result was terrifying... With each 500 science giving me 50k kerbal money i got up to 10mil just from minmus -_- All you gotta do is to fast forward and keep adding science data and you don't even need to return the data since they seem trivial compared to the science you gain from the lab with scientists.

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But you can't process any experiments that take you over 500 science data. So if you have several experiments - eg from biome hopping, then there will be experiments that the lab hasn't processed yet. I had exactly this on minmus - had one experiment that was worth +172 when processed but I had to wait for the science data to drop below 328 before I could process it and then take the experiment back.

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But you can't process any experiments that take you over 500 science data. So if you have several experiments - eg from biome hopping, then there will be experiments that the lab hasn't processed yet. I had exactly this on minmus - had one experiment that was worth +172 when processed but I had to wait for the science data to drop below 328 before I could process it and then take the experiment back.

I actually just posted a question thread about this. Im sick of waiting to add more data too so im looking for a way to mod or edit the science lab data capacity.

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Explanation is below, but the TL;DR is: You don't need to worry about this, go ahead and take them out of the science lab, it won't hurt anything.

As noted elsewhere in the thread, this doesn't really work due to the capacity restrictions on science data.

All you gotta do is to fast forward and keep adding science data.

I prefer not to fast-forward much, basically for RP reasons; I try to make efficient use of in-universe time.

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As noted elsewhere in the thread, this doesn't really work due to the capacity restrictions on science data.

I prefer not to fast-forward much, basically for RP reasons; I try to make efficient use of in-universe time.

Here you go mate this is the thread i opened earlier; http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/123849-Any-way-to-edit-or-mod-science-lab-data-capacity Read my latest post in the thread and thats how i solved it in the end. 10000 data capacity is enough for all the data you can collect from a body.

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