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What happened to my rockets?

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The problem is that when you turned, you still moved directly upwards. This created a lot of drag under the top wich pulled the rocket futher down.


If you turn a lot slower, the blue arrows, the air resistance, will allign more with your rocket wich creates an more aerodynamic flight

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No. There's something seriously wrong there and I've never seen such a thing before. Your ascent profile needs a lot of work, but that's the least of your worries.

There is a major bug occurring it seems upon which I've never seen before. It's almost as if your crafts center of mass gets ejected 50 meters from the craft. The camera goes nuts and the rocket seems to spin around your new remote CoM.

Not sure how to troubleshoot that. Never seen it before. For starters get rid of all those extra module managers. Then work your way down that list removing mods until that stops. Give the debug menu a look too and post logs if something is a miss or is throwing null reference exceptions.

So get that straightened out then fix your ascent profile because you will flip. You are waiting WAY too long to begin your turn. You need to start turning around 500 meters max.

Edited by Motokid600
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