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I had a thought the other night that having a USB like mod that adds the following-

Hard Drive (will explain)

KSB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Ports (progresses as tech tree expands)

KSB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Cables (available as ports come available)


What would this add, might you ask.

You could have 2 hard drives, one on each vessel and ports on those vessels. One gets some science, and that science (which is already determined) is -- Mits. It then transfers the data from your vessel to the other one, and the speed is determined by 1.0,2.0, or 3.0.

How could you attach these cables, is another question which might be asked.

Well, KIS or KAS sounds like a viable option.

Thanks for listening!


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I had a thought the other night that having a USB like mod that adds the following-

Hard Drive (will explain)

KSB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Ports (progresses as tech tree expands)

KSB 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Cables (available as ports come available)


What would this add, might you ask.

You could have 2 hard drives, one on each vessel and ports on those vessels. One gets some science, and that science (which is already determined) is -- Mits. It then transfers the data from your vessel to the other one, and the speed is determined by 1.0,2.0, or 3.0.

How could you attach these cables, is another question which might be asked.

Well, KIS or KAS sounds like a viable option.

Thanks for listening!


So basically the ability that kerbals have to transfer science, but for probes?

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Neat idea and it would be an interesting project, but I'm not sure it enhances gameplay.

If you're attaching the cables via KIS/KAS, then you still need a Kerbal on EVA to do data transfer, so you might as well use the stock "Take Data" and "Store Data" on EVA.

If you did it wireless, well.. then just use the stock antennas. If you can transfer the data via a cable, then you can transfer it via an antenna; bits are bits.

(It wouldn't make sense to be able to transfer goo samples via a cable, for example)

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Neat idea and it would be an interesting project, but I'm not sure it enhances gameplay.

If you're attaching the cables via KIS/KAS, then you still need a Kerbal on EVA to do data transfer, so you might as well use the stock "Take Data" and "Store Data" on EVA.

If you did it wireless, well.. then just use the stock antennas. If you can transfer the data via a cable, then you can transfer it via an antenna; bits are bits.

(It wouldn't make sense to be able to transfer goo samples via a cable, for example)

I think he means for recovering physical data like surface samples to kerbin completely unmanned, as in no kerbals going to retrieve it.

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