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UTaR vs ToD and Kerbal Appearance?

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So the protoCrewMember UTaR field is directly related to (ie is) the same as the ToD field for a kerbal in the persistant save file.

This /seems/ to be how a kerbal appearance is defined but I can not find anything other than it is a 'double' as reference for valid ranges, and what kind of effects various values have. I am not even entirely sure this is what I think it is as my testing didn't show any appearance changes I could specifically determine.

If the UTaR/ToD field is not related to the appearance of each kerbal as it seems to be relatively unique, does anyone know (can they tell me?) what this field is and what attribute /does/ effect the randomized appearance of kerbals?

I would very much appreciate this as I am trying to apply this to my existing mod that hires kerbals and to this point I can not figure out how to randomize their appearances in a way that is noticeable?

Thanks very much in advance. People in this forum have been incredibly helpful so far!!


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UTaR is the Universal Time a which a kerbal will Respawn if missing and respawning is enabled.

The only field that change how they look is stupidity, courage and isBadass.

And if you want a brand new kerbal just ask the game :

ProtoCrewMember newGuy = HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.GetNewKerbal();

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Thanks, I already create new kerbals, even on a loop until the career matches the desired selected career. Thanks for the info on the UTaR. :D

UTaR seems to be some what random from kerbal to kerbal. Do you have any idea of what parameters are used to normally generate this value? Perhaps I will dig to see if I can find any new references to this in the C-Sharp api hook now that I know it relates to respawn.

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