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Joolian Expedition

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Over 10 years ago, Henry Kerman, the biggest developer of our space program, died in suspicious circumstances after a trial Rockomax from the sale of a defective motor that killed two Kerbonautas on the lunar surface.

In his will, had left enough to build and launch the dream of his life, JSM (Jool Scout Mission), which after making a flyby of Tylo, aerobrakein Jool and be captured by Laythe, it splashed down in their seas about 5 -7 years.

But Henry did not anticipate this lightly. The in-situ verification of the presence of a breathable atmosphere in Laythe, coupled with the long experience of the program sending orbital laboratories missions and descent Gilly, Duna and Ike that had been developed in parallel by the pupil of Henry, Andrea. Now, after all this time, it has released the latest resupply mission to the second laboratory using Recover 1 spacecraft.

For this mission have not been reused old laboratories, Ike Lab and Eve Lab, which are in a very eccentric and out of fuel orbit of kerbin Kerbin, we have launched new laboratories, designed to maximize the scientific return Mission giving them the ability to land on airless bodies of Jool system.

Ships for the mission:

• Joolian Labs: Two new modern laboratories with nuclear propulsion designed specifically for this mission. Delta-v possess sufficient for transfer to Jool, braking on the system, transfer to another system and landing body.

• Joolian fuel processors: Two twin spacecraft designed to land on the surface of one of the satellites and begin generating fuel. They will trnasportados by BUS 2.

• BUS 2: Automated transport ship equipped with the new experimental nuclear engine 1500 seconds. 7800 meters per second in LKO with two coupled processors.

• Prometheus Requiem: An experimental ship 9.6 kilometers per second Delta-V. Up to 4 passengers.

• Laythe Lander: A modification of the Duna Lander designed for high radiation environment Laythe. It will be carried by the BUS 1.

• BUS 1: A former nuclear transport designed to carry and return the lander Gilly. 4500 meters per second of delta-v. It will be used to boost Laythe Lander.

And so Henry plans take shape.

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But not everything in this mission are ships, the true soul of this adventure is the crew of all the transport of the fleet that are going to be sent to Jool.

In our space program, we have had three sad casualties:

• Valentina Kerman: Woman, pilot; He died during testing a SSTO whose engines failed.

• Gerbus Kerman: Male, Scientist; his fuel processor crashed onto Mun due to a failure in the two Mark. 55 of the ship.

• Tebe Kerman: Female, Pilot; He fought bravely, trying to control her ship until the last minute, trying to regain control of the Mark. 55. At 14 kilometers high, expelled Gerbus from command module and ordered him to use all its fuel to try to stabilize its orbit, unfortunately, it didn't work and both crashed into the surface of Mun.

On the last minute, few seconds before crashing, Gerbus sent his last message to his mothership, that we recovered from the black box by the second processor mission. The message was "I love you". Now, on their crashing site, a flag stills remembering future kerbonauts the importance of love... And check your engines.

Aboard the ships that will head to Jool, are 10 of our most courageous kerbonauts.

• Jendi Kerman: Woman, pilot, level 3; famous for being the first kerbal to set foot Duna aboard the Spirit Duna Lander, his feat has not been repeated. He also led the lab Eve during his trip to Eve. She commands the JOOLIAN LAB 1, Intrepid.

• Elwig Kerman: Male, Engineer, Level 3; permanent Engineer (and somewhat suspectede) ofJendi's crew, has accompanied her in all her important missions.

• Danla Kerman; Women, Scientific, Level 3; He has made such prodigious feats like landing on Gilly and out into interplanetary space, She's the boss of Intrepid's Research Lab.

• Dunfield Kerman: Male, pilot, pilot Level 3, JOOLIAN LAB 2 "Acheron" 's pilot. Danla partner and driver in the mission of landing on Gilly.

• Genedorf Kerman: Male, Engineer; Reserve engineer Acheron. It's hisfirst mission.

• Gemise Kerman: Women, Engineer, level 1; He was engineer of the mission to revive the first Duna Lab and make it space Kerbin Laboratory. Chief engineer of Acheron.

• Thomman Kerman: Male, Scientist, level 3; Veteran of two orbital missions of research, Duna and Eve. Chief scientist of Acheron.

• Joewin Kerman: Male, scientific, level 1; He participated in the mission of reviving the first laboratory and is the secondary researcher Acheron.

• Cerlee Kerman: Women, Engineer; mechanics aboard the Prometheus Requiem. It's her first mission.

• Sherdas Kerman: Male, Pilot, level 2; a veteran of the orbital research missions. Commander of the flagship of this fleet of interplanetary spacecraft, Prometheus Requiem.

In addition another 5 kerbonautas are in ongoing missions and two in reserve.

Bill and Bob are aboard Kerbin Space Lab, another three kerbals are stranded on Duna Orbit, waiting for a resupply mission. They landed on ike and the fuel remaining wasn’t enough for reach kerbin (it was planned add an extra detachable tank of fuel, but we weren’t able to afford that, and now we are having troubles with funds, so maybe if we can’t earn enough money from a contract, Laythe Lander wont be able to take off.

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-Here Acheron, applying double A communication priority. Here Dunfield Kerman, control center, are you there?

"Affirmative, Acheron, here control center requesting status report."

-Center Control, the entire redundant computers has given the green light for the operation. Requesting permission to turn on the twin reactors and start pumping liquid fuel to them, I repeat, we request permission to initialize the twin-"NERV" system.

"Dunfield, is allowed to initialize the system. When engines activation,communications will be cutted. We can not reestablish contact for another two hours. Good luck, Acheron. "

"Acheron, here Intrepid, we thank you that you should go first to check if the engines are so defective as it says by another companies, good luck, see you in Jool."

"Acheron, here Prometehus Requiem, thanks to pave the way, we'll see shortly, Sherdas, short and close".

Laboratory twin engines began to drive preheated hydrogen in the two nuclear furnaces of the ship. The Acheron was barreled toward the stars.



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