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Everything posted by stellarator

  1. Hello! Not sure if here is the place, but is the "Megajoule locked" still a thing when also using Kerbalism? Thank you very much for your hard and amazing job!
  2. Ahí van unas cuantas fotos... Como expliqué arriba, la grande es la Ascension, el tug lo reconocerás porque es el que va acoplado a ella casi todo el camino... Luego están el aterrizador en Duna y el aterrizador Refinería en Ike... Ascensión fue construida modularmente, también adjunto alguna foto de ello. Si vas más atrás en esa carpeta encontrarás mi desaparecido TSTO "Stairway to orbit", y fotos de una flota anterior. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bz5__uS_MPu0UFlmcGpKeVZvLTQ&usp=sharing La flota anterior: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bz5__uS_MPu0flIyV25XX1NsZGg5RnpPQ2Y3bHViS0NWVmQ5WVJySEd4d0xNT1BQVlphNU0&usp=sharing
  3. Tiene un módulo de Invernadero, con lo cual en comida es autosuficiente... Algunos trabajos en el mismo hilo del post van en la línea de usar el invernadero para generar oxígeno, mediante ventiladores, simplemente haciendo que las plantas lo generen, o (idea mía, un poco abandonada), simplemente basarse en conseguir oxidante mediante un módulo isru (que es básicamente oxígeno a alta presión) y luego, un tanque de oxígeno o un invernadero lo gasifican. Estos son trabajos no oficiales, pero no descartaría que apareciera algo así en el mod pronto. En cuanto a los otros dos parámetros que limitan seriamente la viabilidad de una colonia: radiación y estrés. La radiación puedes minimizarla con escudos antiradiación (que pesan un huevo) o entrando en la magnetosfera de un planeta/luna. En cuanto al estrés, yo he logrado tiempos de estabilidad de 17 años con un equipo modesto... Nota: Llévate siempre un ingeniero a misiones largas (las cosas se rompen). En cuanto a misiones a la órbita de kerbin, un modulo de tripulación suele incluir suficientes suministros para 10 días, que puedes aumentar fácilmente con tanques de comida y oxígeno para misiones lunares sin incrementar mucho la masa. LO único, usar el planificador en el hangar, sobre todo en el tema de la electricidad. (ahora tienes un gasto extra: calefacción)
  4. Me pasó algo parecido en mi primera misión a Duna... Mandé la Duna Orbiter 1, con bajo presupuesto, solo tenía para investigación desde la órbita, lo cual me limitaba mucho, pero... Bueno, el retorno científico fue suficiente para dar la misión por terminada... De comida y oxígeno, iban "sobraos", el problema fue el blindaje... Decidí ser racano, blindar solo una sección donde poder refugiar a la tripulación en tormentas solares. ¿El resultado? Antes de llegar a Duna, Valentina Kerman ya tenía un envenenamiento severo por radiación: Mandé a toda la tripulación al modulo blindado, solo los saqué de allí para maniobras orbitales (Nota: Añade SIEMPRE un modulo de sonda). El problema fue que tenerlos aislados en un sitio tan pequeño comenzó a volverlos locos... Así que recogí toda la ciencia que podía desde la órbita de Ike y Duna e inicié una maniobra suicida para llegar a Kerbin... La Duna Orbiter 1, casi sin combustible, freno todo lo que pudo y luego tuve que lanzar una misión de rescate, interceptó la nave y rescató a los kerbals con todos los datos, lo cual fue muy bueno... Desde la órbita baja, empleó 6000 m/s en la maniobra de rescate.... Puedes imaginarte la velocidad a la que iba la nave... Pero bueno, de todo se aprende, así que no te desanimes: Mi aterrizador en Duna casi choca contra el suelo a 120 m/s (benditos paracaídas) y mientras recogía la ciencia de todos los módulos, destrocé un tren de aterrizaje (la nave quedó apoyada en dos NERV, lo cual me salvó) y un panel solar... Así que mi consejo es que aunque tu nave nodriza ya no se encuentre en Duna, envía landers. De nada... A mi también me tuvieron que explicar mucho, así que tranquilo. Te recomiendo que uses el KSP Interstellar Extended. Es uno de los mods más grandes del juego, para mi el mejor, te permite salirte del limite que suponen los motores iónicos y NERV y dar pasos más adelante, hasta tecnologías más poco convencionales como la antimateria... SIn perder de vista el realismo del juego. Y cuando estes listo, empieza con el Kerbalism, te obliga a planear una misión como si tuvieras dentro seres humanos, lo cual lo hace más realista. En cuanto a la nave nodriza, si no usas el Kerbalism, te recomiendo... bien, leete esto, solamente la sección que habla sobre las naves, el resto es un poco... Un poco raro, no sé en que estaría pensando, pero bueno, la sección sobre naves (al principio del todo), puede ser muy explicativa.
  5. I have another suggestion: The local control override mode: If a manned spacecraft has a probe core and he crew become insane, youy can activate that mode, that would prevent many efefcts of stress like brong button, but will generate a big amount of malfunction rates, electricity consumption (the antenna must work more), etc.
  6. En cuanto a la estrategia, salvo en misiones lunares, me suelo decantar por la flotilla. La flotilla, por ejemplo para una misión a Duna, es la siguiente (Uso el Kerbalism, así que es un poco más difícil): -Nave Nodriza (Mothership), con un nombre épico, a la altura de sus capacidades, transporta el laboratorio, experimentos científicos (todas las naves llevan experimentos, para aumentar la redundancia), toda la tripulación, víveres, oxígeno, un invernadero y adecuada protección contra la radiación, así como espacio de sobra para la tripulación, de forma que no se vuelvan inestables durante la misión. (Estos son los elementos del kerbalism, que suelen disparar la masa de la nave). Suele estar alimentada por motores nucleares, lo ual aumenta la eficiencia, a costa de largos tiempos de encendido, pero como no tiene que vérselas con pozos gravitatorios, no importa. -Aterrizador en Duna: optimizado para el aterrizaje en una atmósfera de este tipo: escudo inflable (lo llevo acoplado a un puerto de acoplamiento, para poder desengancharlo cuando llegue el momento y mandar más escudos en misiones posteriores), tres motores nucleares, que no se ven seriamente afectados en ISP por la tenue atmósfera de Duna y con tres tienes TWR de sobra para despegar. Espacio para dos personas (Ingeniero/piloto y un científico capaz de resetar experimentos). -Modulo ISRU/repostador/Aterrizador de Ike: Una nave con motores nucleares, espacio para una persona, experimentos científicos y grandes tanques de combustible (combustible y oxidante, por si se me ocurre mandar alguna misión con motores químicos). Lleva en la parte inferior una refinería con taladros, que será depositada por la nave en sí. Con los tanques llenos, despegará. Para volver a acoplarse a la refinería, uso KIS/KAS. -Tug: un viejo modulo que encontré en órbita de aparcamiento, con puertos de acoplamiento y motores NERV. Será usado para transportar combustible entre órbita de Ike y Duna. ¿Ventajas de la flotilla? Redundancia. El Aterrizador en Duna puede perfectamente aterrizar en Ike y viceversa (En este ultimo caso el despegar sería más difícil. Todo se organiza alrededor de una nave principal, que, sin embargo, puede desmontarse (construcción modular en órbita, en caso de emergencia grave (perdida de refinería y poco combustible), la Nave puede desprenderse del invernadero, el laboratorio, los módulos de entretenimiento, etc y regresar a Kerbin solo con motores, provisiones y el puesto de mando con 6 astronautas, que llegarían al borde del colapso mental, pero llegarían. Además, la modularidad permite la reutilización de la nave. por ejemplo, uso el KSP Interstellar, y en algún momento desbloquearé motores mucho más efeicientes, solo tengo que cambiar la sección de propulsión.
  7. Te voy a contestar en dos partes: Una con mis consejos y otra la estrategia general. Empecemos por el consejo. Sé que es altamente criticado, y por un lado, puedo entenderlo, por otro, no. El consejo es básico: utiliza el Mechjeb. Yo uso mechjeb por dos razones: me ayuda a planear maniobras que ni yo mismo habría concebido y además, el propio mod, te obliga a prescindir del mod (Necesitas ciencia y dinero para desbloquear los módulos, y para conseguirlo, necesitas unas nociones básicas, así que mientras aprendes a usarlo, aprendes a jugar... Suelo usar el MJ para transferencias, me ayudan a planearlas mejor y aprovechar hasta la última gota de combustible, pero también puedo desenvolverme bien sin él en cualquier otro aspecto del juego, incluyendo aterrizajes. Y aprendí a hacer eso, observando al MJ hacerlo. Así que mi consejo es que aprendas a usarlo, si la NASA lo usa (al menos su versión en la vida real), no veo por qué tú no podrías usarlo. Ayuda mucho a entender la mecánica orbital.
  8. I have a suggestion, I came up with the idea while watching (right now) a kerballized version of STS, that carried the ET to orbit... that made me thought about the Wet Workshop project and... Well, i came up with that idea, have fuel tanks that, while they are empty, can be used as extra living space, so the stress level of Kerbals will low, but without adding extra space to new crew... I think that is a realistic and good idea, easy to make a reality. Thank you.
  9. Thank you! It works perfectly! Althought, i'll still working with my desgasification.dcfg file to add it to oxygen tanks... for those short missions without greenhouse and plent of food that become larger.
  10. Im afraid to say that it doesnt work. Thank you, anyway. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz5__uS_MPu0Q29lWFNocTIyaDg/view?usp=sharing
  11. Hello again. I did it! I have a working Greenhouse module to convert Oxidizer into Oxygen at a realistic rate... but when i tested it a few moments ago, docking my Ike Refueler with my plenty of kerbals mothership, i pressed the option in greenhouse, an it said "Operational", but i doesnt creates new oxygen and it doesnt consume oxidizer. I Hope you could help me. thanks a lot. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz5__uS_MPu0Qm1yeHRrVVZCdVE/view?usp=sharing
  12. Hello, I tried to make a module, so my Greenhouse can convert Oxidizer into Oxygen. And i had one problem. After starting to make this post, i have two. 1- I have not idea why it doesnt work. Here's the link.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz5__uS_MPu0eWh4Wnc1Z0hKelE/view?usp=sharing 2. I set a conversion rate of 1 to 1. But now, i realize that LOX is under pressure, so a conversion rate of 1.1 would be very unrealistic... I tried to search about the pressure of a fuel tank, but the only thing i found is that a RS-25 turbopump raises the LOX pressure from 0.7 MPa. I tried to make the calculations, but i havent got volumes to do the math (P1 (1 atm) x V1 = P2 (0.7 Mpa of baromethric pressure +1 atm, of atmospheric pressure, to have both values on absolute pressure) x V2). So... Please, help.
  13. The other day I asked about a module so my refinery could generate shielding... Now, I came with a sugestion. And if not, a request to another module... Engines on KSP, at least i understand it, are cryogenic (Hydrogen + Oxygen= KABOOM). So... Oxidizer is Oxygen. So... Is there any way thet lets you use oxidizer (that can be generated by a refinery) as oxygen, and achieve (with greenhouse) fully independence of Kerbin? Thank you.
  14. Can i ask for kerbalism integration? (Radiation, etc?) but alos for the ability to generate air (oxygen) from the O2, H2O or CO2 collected in atmospheres.
  15. Thank you very much, sir. Intsalling it now.
  16. Okay, that's my problem. I launched a new module to my interplanetary ship (because now, because of this mod, all my previous traits with kerbals would be considered against Kerbal Universal Rights), only to discove rthat i forgot my add "Shielding". Then i came up with the idea. "Shiedlign" is only trash. A dens eelement capable of stop radiation that could be easily gathered in space... SO here's my idea. If you take "Ore" and you compress it, making it more dense, you would have a good radiation protection. Thats my scientific justification to ask... Could someone made a MM config that lets me use the ISRU Refinery to generate Shielding? (Into an empty module capable of store it) Thank you
  17. I have a suggestion (that would be probably already done, but...). Its about Greenhouses. By definition, a greenhouse is full of plant, and plants use CO2 to generate oxygen and aliment themselves. I can imagine that they have less efficiency than scrubbers, but, ¿is there any way to combine all systems? Example: a Greenhouse-Scrubber module, designed to increase performance of normal scrubbers, while the extra C02 is used to increase breeding rates of plants or something else?
  18. Dont know, sorry
  19. Why a Runway? I have asked myself that since long time ago... Im writting a novel, and one of the limitations is that the planet hasnt got space to be wasted on runways... So my SSTO land and are launched on the sea, where a boat waits to pick them up and carry it to port... About the problem of salt... Well, the material of the hull isnt metal, is designed to support great temperatures of reentry, and also, the ship, once landed, or before being launched is outside sea on a massive sea ship. ¿It is possible?
  20. Chapter 1 -Oh, S**t! - I get up and the thunderous sound of the alarm is increasing. The protective field is committed. There heralds trying to cross the fence... Training rules, and before I knew it I got dressed and got the safety gun (all citizens of Ascension get a gun at age 16, when you fulfil your-law of age) charged. I approach the microscope and grab the data. I know the protocol says that the main thing is to stay safe, but damn, it took me many years to isolate the sample of Güestia to leave the analysis here... I look out the window ... there are two heralds next to my car ... excrements, Plan B. I open the cellar door and close it behind me, I close too the blast door installed when this place became my laboratory. Then, I pressed the emergency button. Maybe in 2 hours Expeditionary Force agents will be here... I have nothing to do, so I turn on the light in the basement, and I begin to see the report. Upon reaching the third line, I just can’t believe it... And what's worse, there's an explanation to the situation outside... This is even worse. I cannot do better, so I check manually with the help of my pocket calculator all the data... Again I woke with the sound of gunfire ... The trouble is that I cannot believe it's the expeditionary force, there is another frightening possibility ... Finally, the voices from behind the security door make me to open it. -Damn it, Vir, I told you that one day this would go wrong-says Cornelio, screaming to me.-You should do this in the city. You know I cannot, laws are very strict ... Now, please, call the Ascension’s Coast Guard and say I need a boat to travel at 311 Clarke Avenue. Priority 1. Very surprised, Cornelio uses his intercom to call the Command Station and we get into the armoured SUV. During the trip, I cannot stop looking to Cornelius. just two years ago was no more than an apprentice bricklayer ... Expeditionary Force has changed his life ... and the expeditionary force has changed my life just now ... Were it not for the military ... The expeditionary force was created after the closure of Baikonur and Ascension, to protect those who chose to live outside the walls of Ascension (a few hundred) and a few scientists like me who have to investigate outside of the city, for experimenting with elements contaminated. Dr. Smith is dedicated to observe the behaviour of the heralds in their habitat, Dr. Mugler which investigates the intellectual capacity of the heralds, I, and finally the Pavlov doctor, in whose research I will not go into details, just dissects and experiments with heralds of the most frightening ways. Unfortunately, all came to the same conclusion, the change is irreversible and eliminate Güestia globally, which we cannot do, kill the heralds. Two hours later, I cross the great wall of the city and Cornelio leads me directly to the port ... Ascension lies on the edge of an arched bay, with one very steep mountain in one side... Right in front, 15 kilometres from the beach, there is a small island of 5 square kilometres where the citizen bunker is located, also the presidential palace and the anchorage for colony boats. Cornelio leads me to the transfer boat used by the expeditionary force ... An hour later I am anchored in the island, heading to the office of president of Taranis ... I climb the stairs of the House of Spanish style, to look for on the so dazzling landscape that I could have seen: the Leviathan, the largest colony ship sailing the oceans of Taranis ... Supports thousand people. Thousand people who can live in safety at sea, and not behind the walls of a fortified city ... I worked on it in its final tune-up two years ago, now it's it first stop in Taranis, after going and return to Baikonur on it one year trip (solar panels works but that thing weighs a lot and we will not use non-renewable energy) ... New people coming on board, and who could not withstand life at sea is returning to the city... We have functioned by that way since the outbreak of the Güestia, colonize the sea was the only secure. After five minutes looking at the huge ship, their farms and their small animals (a couple of cows and sheep here and there) someone puts his hand on my shoulder. -Mr President! I scared shout, I hate it. -Call me again president and I give you a campion, you are warned. -Excuse me, grandpa-I say with a laugh. I've missed you. -And I you, Vir ... Now tell me, you asked a special transport to come here ... Why. -I've managed to isolate a sample of the Güestia within an infected brain. The results are very worrying ... It's not natural, grandpa. -You mean it was created? -I can’t say it for sure, but it looks like it is. -Those Earth stand-up guys... -It was not the earth, grandpa; the virus was already here before we landed the ships... -A Biological weapon? Whose? -I have no idea, grandfather, but hopefully they are not still around... -This is too important to let it go... Can you give me more information? What do you need? -It's impossible; any instrument we have made here has enough capacity. Our industry simply isn’t capable of do that- José Antonio Leblanc turned his back for a moment to his grandson, and watched the landscape that stood behind the window. The summit of mt. Ascension, covered with snow throughout the year, was visible from there. -Maybe not here, Vir, but we still have old Earth technology. The Albatross takes off tomorrow. I want you on it. The number three has everything you'll need. -Really? I will be able to go? That could not be happening, very few people have the privilege of visiting the number 3 ... Especially since the Albatross trips are restricted to occupants of the habitat. -Yes... I also need you as a link up there, the No. 3 is demanding more and more resources... I need someone to tell them what really is happening to those who have never suffered the dangers of Güestia. No. 3 ... is the perfect opportunity, Could I...? -I'll need an assistant, grandfather... -Take her, for God's sake, when you are planning to tell her? -When the time comes, grandfather, when the time comes. Im running down the grand staircase, leading to the Mondragon street, on the ridge of Mt. Ascension. Isabella lies on the sofa asleep ... there will changed again the shift at the hospital. Without thinking twice, I throw myself on the couch to try to wake her. I succeed and the poor girl almost fell to the ground. -You'd better be relevant-says to me angry.- I came home three hours ago. -It is, Isa, it is ... we have seats in the Albatross tomorrow. We go to number 3, we go to space.
  21. You didnt let me tiome to post rest of chapters! Thank you
  22. Hello Forumers! (is that side by this way?) I have a story, pretty well i think, because its from me. I came up with the idea as a vacation of my serious stories, but now, i think that is the better of them, so... I want the critic of KSP Community. Heres the link of the post on KSP Forums, where you alkso will find a link to the wattpad story (if you have an account, and you want to vote, will be fine). Thank you all. This community is fantastic.
  23. We were the last. The Helium-3 mine was nearly depleted. There was only fuel for a low speed journey. My parents volunteered, along with many others, they were put to sleep. A long cold sleep of more than 100 years. A dream of hope, rebirth.... And they came here. Three sisters ships, the Insights. We arrived here, the new home. A new hope for humanity. Two of them landed, the third stills orbiting, it became our main source of energy, concentrating sunlight to us. Eight years after landing I was born. I was one of the last to be born. Soon after, no one had time for anything but survival. The cities were crumbling, the society that my grandparents worked so hard to establish was annihilated in three long and bloody months. It was an unfair battle. An unequal struggle against death. The plague, Güestia disfigured face of humanity. The Güestia was the punishment for all our sins... My name is Antonio, Antonio Viriato Leblanc Wu, to be exact. The history of my family is long. My friends call me Vir. I am 17 years old and a graduate in marine engineering and biology from the University of Ascension, in Taranis ... Yes, inside the borders of Ascension, there aren't heralds. The Güestia has not passed the walls and the rugged peaks and cliffs surrounding Ascension. Here life goes on normally. Ascension is a special place. Here has landed the Insight-002. He was the first to fall. Across Taranis, Baikonur is located in a secluded island from the mainland. The Güestia not got there... It was the landing place of the number 1. There were a lot of minerals, iron, aluminium, even platinum. We believe that the island of Baikonur is the remains of a giant asteroid that hit Taranis thousand of years ago... Yes, we still care about those things. It was the end of the world, and we even worry about all that ... Here, the crisis disappeared too quickly. Everyone has forgotten the world behind the defensive walls and rugged peaks. They had almost forgotten disease, have almost forgotten mortal heralds... I can not do that ... The memory of my family prevented me to forget. My parents kicked me out when the first symptoms appeared. The Güestia had revealed and everyone was hysterical ... They hadnt got time to change. Two heralds went home that night and they killed them. Security cameras recorded it all. I wear the data card around my neck, to remind me that I never, never should forget ... Never forget, nor Güestia or heralds... Forget means repeat, being so few of us, repeat it means extinction. Taranis is a cruel place, under that appearance of paradise, but still, despite the disease, despite the heralds that now populate the plains of this world, Taranis is still our home. When I'm in the city, I live in a small white house in greek style on one of the ridges of the Central Mountain, just below me, 30 meters below, is the beach... Yes, we have beaches. It is a gigantic beach, of more than 7 km long, with which they founded Ascension. Across the ridge, it is the port of Ascension. Yes, the place is perfect, I'm close to my work, near the beach, and have excellent views... And I do not live alone. The house is mine, yes, but as rarely'm in the city, I share it with my friends, Isabella and Cornelius. Their case is more strange than mine, really. Twins, an Italian father and Brazilian mother ... They had such bad luck like me ... Maybe worse. Her parents changed. They were one more of the many heralds that lived on the plains of Taranis until five years ago, an expedition ran into them ... and followed the standard protocol: "If you see an herald, kill him before it kills you, or worse, it changes you." Unfortunately, that's the first lesson taught in school, the second was "Making sure that you are not infected." That is our life ... And frankly, I'm not complaining, it could have been much worse ... If Güestia had appeared before, we would not have had time to build all the stuff that is keeping a few of us safe... All these thoughts that come to my mind does not come in the quiet of my home in Ascension ... These thoughts come to my mind before falling asleep, in my laboratory -as I said, I am a biologist-, at the home of my parents ... I don’t came here as joy or punishment, I come here because this site is now safe ... I have a perimeter fence, have a surface car to scape... And the research performed here cannot be made within the limits Ascension. It is forbidden to take samples of heralds into the city. It is a concern that no one needs... -love, I'm going to sleep. The microscope is giving me a headache... Yes, I have a habit of talking to myself. I put the analyser to work and I go to sleep...
  24. I have a problem that could come from this mod... I can generate any science! No crew reports, no EVA and no experiments... This is my mod list, all worked well untilk i updated kerbalism, now, it works, but not my science... A great mod, antway. http://imgur.com/vfBJ9Ch
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