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What Is Your Biggest Accomplishment in KSP thus far?

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Well, in my current career mode, chugging along as it is, I just Rescued Bob from the Mun, where he'd landed a little heavily on a previous mission. I used my unmanned SSTO lifter (capable of carrying a 9T payload to 80x80 LKO before de-orbiting and landing) to take that 9T two-stage (transfer/de-orbit+ lander/return) module, along with a little science gear (science jr, goo, thermometer, barometer).

Just worked out the numbers, and the actual mission to the Mun and back cost me 17,730.. basically the longtank, lvt-45 + separator crashed into the Mun plus fuel. Everything else was recovered.

I reckon that's pretty damn decent. Could be better with more access up the tech tree, but with no rapiers or Nukes and considering I got me some sweet science in the process, I think it's pretty good.

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  Overland said:

HOLY ..... When you said train you really meant a whole damn train! This is more amazing than I could've imagined!

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  JAD_Interplanetary said:
This 150m tall behemoth skyscraper on Minmus. It took so much time and planning. A huge sense of satisfaction when it was finished.


This is impressively tall. I can imagine that had to take a ....-ton(that is measured in Imperial and Metric ;) ) of rockets to get out of the atmosphere and insanely scary to land!

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  Mic_n said:
Well, in my current career mode, chugging along as it is, I just Rescued Bob from the Mun, where he'd landed a little heavily on a previous mission. I used my unmanned SSTO lifter (capable of carrying a 9T payload to 80x80 LKO before de-orbiting and landing) to take that 9T two-stage (transfer/de-orbit+ lander/return) module, along with a little science gear (science jr, goo, thermometer, barometer).

Just worked out the numbers, and the actual mission to the Mun and back cost me 17,730.. basically the longtank, lvt-45 + separator crashed into the Mun plus fuel. Everything else was recovered.

I reckon that's pretty damn decent. Could be better with more access up the tech tree, but with no rapiers or Nukes and considering I got me some sweet science in the process, I think it's pretty good.

"A little heavily" ;)

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  Frank_G said:

This is insanely cool! That Duna base is a very nice design, also saves tons of time. Your designs are very beautiful as well as functional from what I can see. Great job!

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  bigyihsuan said:
Getting to Jool.

Because I don't have much free time nowadays, most of my missions are very short, so the longer sessions are larger accomplishments for me.

Since you're short on time i'd recommend using Kerbal Alarm Clock so you can launch and manage multiple missions at the same time!

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  TrooperCooper said:


I personally love MKS, first starting out it can be a very difficult concept to grasp but once you get used to it you can accomplish things like this! Very well done!

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  Captain Sierra said:
The colonization of Laythe. I finally succeeded in establishing a base & Vall refuelling operation. Jool racked up almost 20 confirmed kills and I lost count how many vessel destructions across my previous missions, but I have finally conquered the behemoth.

Pretty bad when a planet in KSP has a better KDR than I have in most first person shooters :D Congratulations on your victories!

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  Hobbes Novakoff said:
Setting up one of Rune's Bases-In-A-Box on Minmus.

I absolutely love Rune's Base-In-A-Box design! I seen it awhile back and was thinking about trying it out just to see how it went, i'll definitely have to now!

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  TheOfficialStorm said:
Pretty bad when a planet in KSP has a better KDR than I have in most first person shooters :D Congratulations on your victories!

XD Jool already got the chopper gunner, the warthog, and was getting dangerously close to the tactical nuke.

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  Mr. Speed said:
Big Cut

That sounds insanely thrilling! I once had to push my Mun lander into a Kerbin orbit from the Mun because I had run out of fuel. It wasn't as thrilling as your experience but it was extremely hard to judge which way to push and to get back in my vessel.

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  CreatureX said:
Five 1 star Kerbals landed on Duna with a return trajectory VERY close to the Sun. They came back at 4 stars. What makes this feat an accomplishment? I ran out of dv getting into orbit of Duna (thanks for interrupt Ike) so the lander did ALL the work AND made it back to Kerbin with enough dv to allow the Kerbonauts to survive landing withut a chute. I seem to over-engineer everything BUT my rockets. :D

That trip aged my space program more than I would have liked.

I've only been playing since 1.0 hit and this happened yesterday. Best sick day evar!

Haha! Glad you are getting a handle on the game so fast! I spent my first 300+ hours on Kerbin and the Mun alone haha.

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  CaptainApollo said:
Being a newbie, my biggest accomplishment is getting to orbit, but soon it will be getting and landing on the Mun!

Congratulations! I spent my first 300+ hours on Kerbin and the Mun alone so don't worry about getting there too fast.

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Well, in terms of sheer scale, there's this:


Each of those "landings" is in fact a habitat. They're each spaced about 5KM apart, and each site looked something like this:


Back during 0.18, I also participated in a colonization challenge and managed to put down colonies on just about every planet and moon in the game. Good times.

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  SkyRender said:
Well, in terms of sheer scale, there's this:


Each of those "landings" is in fact a habitat. They're each spaced about 5KM apart, and each site looked something like this:


Back during 0.18, I also participated in a colonization challenge and managed to put down colonies on just about every planet and moon in the game. Good times.

Are you doing a certain shape with the habitats? It seems like you're drawing something.

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My biggest accomplishments were in 0.25:

• the Wayfarer program--a small ion-engine science satellite in orbit around EVERY celestial body, so I could instantly complete any "science from X orbit" contract at no cost

• boots-on-the-ground landings on (and safe returns home from) every solid celestial body except Eve and Tylo

• Blue Rover Outpost, a permanent colony on Laythe consisting of

• a building with crew quarters, a science lab, a viewing cupola, and plenty of solar panels

• a stylish rover that could rise up on stilts and attach to a docking clamp on the underside of the building

• an orbital fuel/habitat station

• a six-seat spaceplane for transport between the surface outpost and the orbital station


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Oh, and I was quite proud of the Voyager I, my primary flagship in 0.90... I just didn't get to do much with it because 0.90 kept freezing up.


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My Jool-5 Kethane mission. One launch, 9 Kerbals and a reconfigurable ship that came apart into four small orbital stations, four Kethane scanner probes, two science probes, and one orbital fuel depot. The main ship and the science lab came home with over 100 experiments worth over 16,000 science. Link to a much-too-long imgur album is in my sig.

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  SkyRender said:
Nope. That just happened to be the flattest over-land route between the first two bases.

How many more do you plan to add? I'd love to see it completely finished!

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  Norcalplanner said:
My Jool-5 Kethane mission. One launch, 9 Kerbals and a reconfigurable ship that came apart into four small orbital stations, four Kethane scanner probes, two science probes, and one orbital fuel depot. The main ship and the science lab came home with over 100 experiments worth over 16,000 science. Link to a much-too-long imgur album is in my sig.

Well, looks like this is something i'll have to try my hand at!

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My first docking. No mods, not even any RCS (I didn`t know it existed at the time) Took me about an hour.

Also my first landing offworld. That was very exiting.

Very soon after that I landed everywhere (<4 weeks) This progressed rapidly from that point.

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1. Lunch a proper space shuttle into orbit.(still learning)

2. Putting an Asteriod onto coliding curse into Kerbin :)

3. Land a rover on Eve and get some Science

4. Set Foot onto Every Kerbin body. Exapt Lander on Eve, but i have done Eve with an Spaceplain.

5. Big spacestation + ScienceLab, getting science

6. Figuering out Remote Tec and be able to maintain an interplanetary connection.( This was incredibly hard but if u get it it awesome) + Still testing about with the time delay on outerplanet probes

7. looking forward to Outplanet mod + Interstellar with LifeSupport

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My (physically) biggest accomplishment in KSP has to be the interplanetary microwave power network I made using KSP Interstellar in v0.25.

It had a useful amount of power all the way from Kerbin to Jool, and everywhere between. The only thing it was missing was microwave relay stations in solar polar orbit.

When I found anywhere in the network that didn't have enough power for what I was doing, I sent power relay satellites and a few ground-based fission power stations to fill in the gaps. Most of it was constructed at Minmus with EPL, launched to orbit, and sent to it's destination via my system of warp drive tugs (another significant accomplishment). The Jool system section of the network was created by launching a boot-strapping capable EPL launchpad out to the Jool system, and building the network with that.

Basically, think of a solar-system wide RemoteTech network, but it transfers large amounts of electrical power instead of commands.

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  GregroxMun said:
and Dres return, but who cares about Dres

Dres has an asteroid system around it now.

My proudest KSP moment was getting Jeb to the Mun but not quite making the lander powerful enough to get back. So Jeb had to get out and push - go Jeb!

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