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What would you do?


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You wake up to the EAS tones. You grab your phone and it shows this:


What would you do?

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There is literally nothing I can do. I'll be dead in minutes, and if not, I'll probably die from radiation poisoning.

I guess I'll play some Pink Floyd before I die. While sitting on my porch and looking for the reentry vehicles in the Sky. Maybe I'll see the plasma from reentry.

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It's been long discussed, and all but forgotten. First of all they wouldn't tell you how many missiles, nor that they were missiles, nor that they were nukes, just that an attack was imminent. And these days, with subs sitting right off the coast, they wouldn't even bother to inform you ... you'd have all of 5 to 7 minutes, if that. FEMA and state OEMs (Office of Emergency Management) have no "warning" contingency plans; Only contingencies for the situations faced in the aftermath. That should tell you something.

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I'm not from US, but in similar situation, I would just walk outdoors and watch the show.

It's better to die from all out nuclear attack, than survive it.


"Afterwards" measures are useless either. For those, who survived in shelters, "afterwards" will be about one month long.

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  Red Iron Crown said:

It will not work in modern situation.

At the times of that clip, few nukes would destroy capital and several industrial cites, but much of infrastructure, needed for survival, would be more or less intact.

Nowadays, there is enough nukes to destroy everything.

Survivors will face starvation and dehydration immediately after they emerge from shelters. Not mentioning, that everything, including water, is irradiated.

Full scale nuclear conflict is not survivable, civilization will cease to exist, and few survivors, who resorted to drinking irradiated water and eating dead bodies, soon will die out too.

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Grab my baseball bat, get to the roof of my building and get ready to send those missiles back the way they came from.

Might as well have a laugh before you get vaporized.

( I probably should get in my fridge, it is big enough and my first name is Indiana after all, that would give me some plot armor right?)

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Hope to God that this is a fake. If it's not, I'd go do some crazy Spit. I wanna go out doing things I can't otherwise do, like climbing to the top of the nearest bridge and watching from there.

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Nuclear war is certainly survivable, even if not for those in target areas. Many in the first world would not have the first clue how to survive minus the infrastructure they are used to, however. Rural people would do far better. The vast majority of casualties would be in the direct attack and firestorms. Fallout is generally overstated, and the bulk of problems likely manifest as increased incidence of cancers later.

So for a while average life spans would likely decrease.

Many critters survived mass extinction events in the past, it's not like flipping a light switch, and a huge nuke exchange is still less destructive than many plausible natural disasters.

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Ok, so since this is a fake:

Wonder where I got the iPhone from, since I'm still using a flip-phone. Question how I'm getting texts, because I can't text. Scratch my head, because I have Verizon, not AT&T. Shrug, screenshot it, and show it to my friends.

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