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Trike Ultralight - A Slow & Stable Design (KAX & SH_Mods)

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I did write a long detailed post about this but the forum logged me out when it exceeded the time..

I'll simply provide the download link and honestly state.. shes a very docile very well behaved craft with gentle stall characteristics suited for casual flight & scouting missions

Also keyboard friendly :)

Uses KAX for the propellor engine at rear & Sam Halls Kn-2 cockpit.. all of which are 1.02 compatable

EDIT - Ive Reuploaded to compensate for the rear wheel being too far back.. the longer wheelbase was preventing takeoff at 35m/s..

Reuploaded and tested..

Landing works fine as long as you make sure your hitting the ground at or below takeoff speed.. the narrow wheelbase bounces a little but she'll settle down nicely

Takeoff speed is around 35ms but she'll float happily below that once airborne

Stalls are nothing to be afraid of.. especially going vertical.. as once she slips in reverse.. control has already been restablished and will glide happily in any direction to regain course and speed

Id love to hear any feedback positive and negative






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Apologies - I forgot to fix up the rear wheel which was too far back - Ive re-uploaded.. she now lifts off at around 35 without the wheelbase being too long preventing initial positive climb

Yep!.. shes an ultralight in the grand traditions of KSP :)

might be made of airliner wings.. but flies better than a dead duck.. this makes me proud :)

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Ive constructed a longer range sisterplane based on the delta wing design.. this one though has wet wings and a much longer range..

although they handle similar.. some manuvers between aircraft just arnt compatable.. the larger original craft is much lighter and will stall-loop happily with the absolute minimum of altitude safely.. float down to any landing and generally be a joy to fly

Her new long range scout sisterplane is smaller, has similar speed and lands quite nicely.. though an ascent taken too quickly on takeoff will generally cause her to flat-stall and ascend with little or much control.. for this shes equipt with emergency chutes that calmly settle the craft back on the ground with minimal damage (ABORT - BACKSPACE)

I'll upload the craft once ive finished tweaking it

the alternate design is also a forward trike vs the reverse wheelbase of the original.. better ground handling at higher speeds.. best suited to get places rather than survey the terrain as the craft floats overhead.. 2 similar craft for 2 different roles


ek2S9dK.jpgKTP1001A & KTP1002A identification plates not included unfortunately - made with Flag Decal mod (oddly heavy, put one on each side) and a quick 5 minute texture in gimp


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Strange how everything seems to all come back to KSP indirectly..

The inspiration for these craft were of course Aerotrikes but also Rogallo wing craft..

Wikipedia tells me the original concept for the Rogallo wing was invented by a nasa engineer and considered for use with the apollo and mercury programs..


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The smaller skytrike LR Scout is now released (Smaller craft in the screenshots above)


Shes a wet-wing delta skytrike with quite a long range.. ample stable flight charicteristics and while she shares some similar aspect to her bigger sister they're completely different craft in terms of how they fly - the only thing they share is not needing to use SAS.. if anything a tiny bit of trim and she settles in a perfectly stable cruise

Please dont try to take off at anything below 20ms though :) she will.. then.. wont.. as stall sets in.. .difficult to recover from.. while shes equipt with parachutes for emergencies their little more than explosion prevention.. typicly the craft will fall to bits on impact leaving just the kerbal surviving..

Again any feedback welcome (As long as you actually tried it) :sticktongue:


(ALT W or S a few times for windows - RIGHT SHIFT + A or S for linux)

Like her bigger sister she uses Sam Halls Kn2 Cockpit & KAS.. both 1.02 compatable and floating around on the forums, kerbalstuff or curse respectively



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