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Would "spaghettification" happen while traveling in a wormhole?


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NOTE: Since they are the most well-known of the types of wormholes, I would appreciate that this discussion stick to Schwarzchild Wormholes

Backstory: I was quite bored at a baby Cousin's 1st birthday and was playing around in the grass at about 2 PM or so. I pluck a blade of grass and hold it so that the blade was flat on it's wider side going horizontally. I move the grass up on one end and down on the other slightly, noticing how the light will appear as a point on a corner but much more "spread out" on the actual plane. When moved with one side moving up, it seems to shift from one corner to the plane to the other corner, almost as if the actual light is "stretched" out. This reminded me of spaghettification in black holes, but on the subject of black holes, it also reminded me of wormholes as the light traveled from one point to another in a "black hole fashion". This connection of spaghettificaiton and wormholes brought to my mind a question; Does spaghettification happen while traveling IN a wormhole?

The Hypothesis: If black holes are thought to create the process of spaghettification while entering them and that wormholes are similar to two connecting black holes, does spaghettification happen while in the process of traveling from one wormhole end to another?

I would love to hear all of you people's opinions on this matter (Heh, physics joke :D) as well as other hypotheses supporting and against this one.

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That could be very well the case, but I imagine the "path" from one wormhole end to another having objects being "tugged" by both wormhole ends in opposite directions, similar to how the massive difference in regular space-gravity and a black hole causes spaghettification, the massive gradient between regular space and warped space in a worm hole may be just as effective. (Then again, I could be an idiot and not having a single theory like this to support me :P)

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NOTE: Since they are the most well-known of the types of wormholes, I would appreciate that this discussion stick to Schwarzchild Wormholes


Wormholes of this type do not exist. Their existence depends on exotic matter or perfect vacuums of energy and matter. They might be able to be formed for brief periods of atomic size, but that would mean you would have to atomize matter to get it through the wormhole. There have been claims that the amount of energy required to create a wormhole would be associated with such high gravity that humans would unlikely be able to approach them.

Sorry, No SG1 in our futures.

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Wormholes of this type do not exist. Their existence depends on exotic matter or perfect vacuums of energy and matter. They might be able to be formed for brief periods of atomic size, but that would mean you would have to atomize matter to get it through the wormhole. There have been claims that the amount of energy required to create a wormhole would be associated with such high gravity that humans would unlikely be able to approach them.

Sorry, No SG1 in our futures.

But his question isn't "Can such a wormhole easily exist?". His question is "What would it be like to go through the specified type of wormhole if someone managed to construct it?"

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Mmhmm, for as said by TheDarkStar, I do not take this thread (Or really what I am saying!) as fact but rather a hypothetical situation where this would be fact while it could very well just be fiction.

Anyways, back to the science! :cool:

That could be very well the case, but I imagine the "path" from one wormhole end to another having objects being "tugged" by both wormhole ends in opposite directions, similar to how the massive difference in regular space-gravity and a black hole causes spaghettification, the massive gradient between regular space and warped space in a worm hole may be just as effective. (Then again, I could be an idiot and not having a single theory like this to support me :P)

In the context of my previous statement, I believe that a certain "streak" of light extremely thin (Perhaps to the subatomic level) but maybe as long as the distance between the wormhole entrances would be viewed from an outside viewer if they were in between the two wormholes and viewing the "spaghettified" object in question travelling in between the two wormholes. This would be somewhat similar in how teleporters could send "streams" of atoms from one teleporter entrance to another to be reassembled in whatever is being teleported, except it is a much larger distance and the "streams" are much thinner and spread across a much farther distance, as well as going at a much faster speed.

Edited by LavaCake
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Actually, Schwarzschild wormholes have the following properties:

1) They require no exotic matter.

2) They cannot be traversed (unless you can magically travel faster than light)

3) Are dynamic: they briefly open, then close (too fast to permit traversal)

4) Are also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges

5) Are also known as the maximally extended Schwarzschild solution to the Einstein equations

6) Possess event horizons

7) Do not allow a traveler who enters the event horizon to avoid eventual spaghettification

The class of spherically symmetrical wormholes that are traversal are the so-called Morris-Thorne wormholes. These:

1) Do require exotic matter

2) Can be traversed (in principle)

3) Are static

4) Are incorrectly called Einstein-Rosen bridges

5) Are essentially symmetrical pieces of the Schwarzschild solution "glue" together at the wormhole throat

6) Do not possess event horizons

7) Do allow a travelers who enters to avoid spaghettification (if wormhole's throat radius is large enough)

Source: The Physics of Stargates, Parallel Universes, Time Travel, and the Enigma of Wormhole Physics

by Enrico Rodrigo. It think Rodrigo got his Ph.D. under the guy who brought the terms "wormhole" and "black hole"

into physics, John Archibald Wheeler. I also believe that Wheeler is the guy that Kip Thorne did his Ph.D. under decades earlier.

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Actually, Schwarzschild wormholes have the following properties:

1) They require no exotic matter.

2) They cannot be traversed (unless you can magically travel faster than light)

3) Are dynamic: they briefly open, then close (too fast to permit traversal)

4) Are also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges

5) Are also known as the maximally extended Schwarzschild solution to the Einstein equations

6) Possess event horizons

7) Do not allow a traveler who enters the event horizon to avoid eventual spaghettification

The class of spherically symmetrical wormholes that are traversal are the so-called Morris-Thorne wormholes. These:

1) Do require exotic matter

2) Can be traversed (in principle)

3) Are static

4) Are incorrectly called Einstein-Rosen bridges

5) Are essentially symmetrical pieces of the Schwarzschild solution "glue" together at the wormhole throat

6) Do not possess event horizons

7) Do allow a travelers who enters to avoid spaghettification (if wormhole's throat radius is large enough)

Source: The Physics of Stargates, Parallel Universes, Time Travel, and the Enigma of Wormhole Physics

by Enrico Rodrigo. It think Rodrigo got his Ph.D. under the guy who brought the terms "wormhole" and "black hole"

into physics, John Archibald Wheeler. I also believe that Wheeler is the guy that Kip Thorne did his Ph.D. under decades earlier.

Not bad, seems legit too! So I guess this kind of answers my question, good job!

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