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Game seems to be stuck "in flight", but with no ship...

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I'lm posting int he "modded game" section but I don't think it has anything to do with it. i was using the Action Groups for the first time when it happened, and maybe I don't understand what's happening.

I did the following:

- I built a very simple rocket with two unmanned pods, attached with a separator.

- I created an action group containing : a) the decoupling, B) the activation of pod #1, c) the activation of pod #2

- I ran the rocket and ran the action group. The pods decoupled and the control stayed on pod #1

- I immediately recovered pod #1, then went to space center, then recovered pod #2

- Now I have a view of the space center (the same one you see when you end a mission) but cannot click on the buildings.

They don't get highlighted when I hover them. Yet I can do everything else (speed up time, recover surrounding debris, etc.)

I left the game and re-entred, but to no avail.

Do I need to do something to put the game in "normal" state, or is it a massive bug?

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  • 2 weeks later...

After investigation I think it has to do with the fact that my rocket was flawed as early as the hangar: the game was considering that the "root" piece of the rocket was not the pod, but instead one of the fuel tanks immediately underneath. I have no idea why. Probably a bug in the construction process.

I know that because when I was detaching parts in the construction hangar, it's not the pieces that would stick on and off the pod, but instead they would all (including the pod) come on and off off that specific fuel tank.

Because of that, the game went loco when the rocket started separating in-flight: it didn't know anymore on what piece to focus, and it was focusing on a piece that cannot generate a "mission ended" event (the fuel tank). Therefore it would never go back to the normal "out of flight" state. Hence the symptoms I was describing above.

Going back to the main menu didn't help, but completely exiting the game and restarting it solved the issue. I re-did the rocket design from scratch and it didn't happen again.

Edited by jeancallisti
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