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Look What I Found!!! :D :D :D


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I was at a friends house, and I noticed this box sitting in the basement. I was in shock. I told him how insanely cool it was. I knew I would never see one again.

Well today he dropped by and said he had something for me...lo and behold, he gave it to me! :D And just look at what it is!



I'm so happy! It's "new in box" although the box is damaged and scribbled on. Now to decide to open it and build it or not :D

EDIT: It is built!

Speaking of which, it is complete!


The mighty Saturn V rocket. :D


The CSM. :D


The Lunar Lander. :D


And Finally, the Lunar Roving Vehicle. :D


Edited by Endersmens
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WHAT! And here I have that kit sitting as spare parts in with ten thousand other bricks from years ago when I was into the stuff.

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I had that too! But it's been distributed amongst the rest of my pieces, and all I have left on hand is the baseplate for the CSM:


I also have the MER pictured on the back of the box, but young-me was too dumb to build it and so it too is scattered.

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Yeah I know, when I got home the first time I saw it I was like "i'll buy my own" and then I saw it was $300.... but I couldn't sell this anyways, it was a gift from a friend.


WHAT! And here I have that kit sitting as spare parts in with ten thousand other bricks from years ago when I was into the stuff.

:D go dig them out and rebuild it!

Keep it intact man, it is just too cool to ruin.

what do you mean by intact? Like don't open the box? Cause I really want to have it built and on my desk.

Woooooah! Don't let it sit, put it to work! :D Great find!

Yeah, I want to :D

I had that too! But it's been distributed amongst the rest of my pieces, and all I have left on hand is the baseplate for the CSM:


I also have the MER pictured on the back of the box, but young-me was too dumb to build it and so it too is scattered.

That's a shame. I wish I had gotten ahold of these when they weren't retired and were probably decently priced, as I really, really, really want the discovery.

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Nice one!

So what's next, someone finds a J-2 engine in their shed? XD

That'll be the day.

"hey dad, what's this?"

"oh that's just a barbecue my work sent me...."

You know, by god, I'm going to find the assembly manual for the rover sooner or later, and build it.

Let me know when you finish that! :D

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what do you mean by intact? Like don't open the box? Cause I really want to have it built and on my desk.

That box is just too beautiful intact! The fact that it is scuffed up makes it even better, surviving all those years.

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Wow. Too bad the box isn't pristine. Look what it's worth...


At this moment, the Saturn V and CSM sit on my dresser, and the LM is on top of my computer at work.

The rover is either mixed in with the kids' stuff, or possibly on the bookshelf in the hallway.

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Keep it intact man, it is just too cool to ruin.

Oh come on! Buying something just to admire the box is no fun.

Build it! Build it now! Then crash it against the wall like I did with my old lego sets as I thought lego-planes / rockets could fly if thrown hard enough XD

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Oh come on! Buying something just to admire the box is no fun.

Build it! Build it now! Then crash it against the wall like I did with my old lego sets as I thought lego-planes / rockets could fly if thrown hard enough XD

I used to have both lego city airport planes, and I had this awesome idea to make a long pole to put them on to simulate flying.

And then my brother threw it down the stairs. ;.;

Yeah, I think I am going to build it.

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Oh come on! Buying something just to admire the box is no fun.

He did not buy it, he got it as a gift. I think the value of it as a survivor box is much more interesting than the Lego set itself, how cool it might be. It is a piece of history and art in itself. You just cannot unopen it.

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He did not buy it, he got it as a gift. I think the value of it as a survivor box is much more interesting than the Lego set itself, how cool it might be. It is a piece of history and art in itself. You just cannot unopen it.

While I agree it's a piece of history, I prefer "living history" :)

I'm opening it now (but I will not ruin the box) as I think it deserves to be built and admired. It will be very well guarded.

Pics when I'm done!

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If he opens it and builds it, it's an Apollo Lego set.

If he doesn't open it, it ceases to be a a Lego set, and becomes simply an object.

It is a piece of history and art in itself. You just cannot unopen it.

There are plenty of playable Lego sets around already.

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If he opens it and builds it, it's an Apollo Lego set.

If he doesn't open it, it ceases to be a a Lego set, and becomes simply an object.

If he doesn't open it... it gets stuffed in a garage or on a dusty shelf in a "humidity controlled environment" and never lives to its full potential.

Remember the morals that Toy Story taught you... toys WANT to be played with, they HATE being shoved in boxes... except for secondary character prospectors.

Aww, I loved playing with legos in my youth :'(

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If he doesn't open it... it gets stuffed in a garage or on a dusty shelf in a "humidity controlled environment" and never lives to its full potential.

The fact that we have been talking about it for two pages tells us something different :)

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The fact that we have been talking about it for two pages tells us something different :)

For two pages you've been saying to keep the box intact... but you haven't been saying what he'd do with the box. He has plans for what to do with the kit, but the box? Perhaps if you pay $300 for shipping and handling, he'll send you the box and keep the kit ;p

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I used a razor to cut the adhesive and opened the box with very minimal damage, without inspection you can't tell it was opened.

Also, I found the kit in my friends grandma's basement, along with thousands and thousands of other toys that she bought but hasn't sold yet. ( I mean like a full basement filled chest high with toys plus a storage room plus a garage)

It was never going to see the light of day. I think I'm doing it a favor by building it and admiring it. :)

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For two pages you've been saying to keep the box intact... but you haven't been saying what he'd do with the box. He has plans for what to do with the kit, but the box? Perhaps if you pay $300 for shipping and handling, he'll send you the box and keep the kit ;p

Some values are lost on some people ;)

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its pretty simple, there are two different types of people. The kind who buy it because it's unopened, and the kinda who buy it because its a lego set.

I fall under the latter. :P

What about the third - that is is an awesome piece with a great story?

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