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[Tutorial] Transition from 0.90 to 1.0.2 Career


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Hello everybody,

with this very little tutorial I would like to tackle a problem I have been facing recently. Namely the transition from an already started 0.90 career to KSP 1.0.2. One might think there is a lot of information regarding this on the forum as usual but the fact is I found very little if nothing. I wanted a way to keep as many ships of my fleet up as possible. My main concern was about a base that took me much blood,sweat and tears to ship off to the Mun.

I play a heavily modded KSP so I was prepared to give up something: in the following I will try to show you how to minimize that loss. Keep in mind that the equation moremods = more breaks is very likely to affect you.


I wasn't able to easily select a flying vessel from here and switch to it. Every single vessel I had flying was sort of grayed out. Only after a lot of double clicking I was able to switch to some of them. Anyway once the new game has loaded the old craft, this issue seemed to be solved, as from then on that craft turned back selectable as usual.


(I gathered all my flying kerbals down to KSC in order to avoid any trouble.)

You will have to add Valentina by hand if you want her as a crew member. The following code must be added in the ROSTER section of you save file.

name = ValentinaKerman
gender = Female
type = Crew
brave = 0.55
dumb = 0.4
badS = True
tour = False
state = Available
ToD = 0
idx = -1
flight = 0
flight = 0


This was a real pain in the ass for me. I used to play ModOrientedTechTree in 0.90 and I really enjoyed it. I think it was very balanced. Anyway, despite this mod being updated to 1.0.2 it doesn't seem to work correctly on an already started save file so I decided to give Community Tech Tree a try. It worked OK but, easy guessed, many nodes was grayed even though I previously researched those parts. As it wasn't enoughI had to re-buy virtually all parts I had already bought. I would like to say that I took up a whole bunch of new contracts, earned my funds and science and researched the missing nodes again … but reality is always grimmer than games (this apply in games too?). I cheated in some funds and science points and got again at least a 70% of what I had before.


Any craft with those parts won't be loaded. Even if you change parts names by hand they will explode on first loading. More precisely version turning point for compatibility is between and Amen.


Almost everything is working fine. I had to manually tweak some heat radiators to make them load.

One of the culprits is the part named “radiator0†that in latest versions isn't anymore. If you still want to load craft containing it you have to tweak them in the save file. You can manually swap them with “radiator1†that is identical but larger. To shrink it to the size of passed away “radiator0†you can use tweakscale mod. In fact you can replace in the save file the string “radiator0â€Âwith “radiator1†and add the module

name = TweakScale
isEnabled = True
currentScale =0.63
defaultScale = 1
defaultTransformScale= (2, 2, 2)
DryCost = 75.01429

alongside theothers.

Previous method doesn't seem to apply to RadialRadiatorzzz2 so I had to remove it completely from all my save/craft files.


I gave up the idea of reusing welded parts since they weren't behaving correctly in the VAB. Anyway I was using them only in the old Munar base that I eventually got rid of. But you can always visualize them in the VAB and use them as a canvas to weld similar ones.


Some vital parts are missing/deprecated in the version for KSP 1.0.x. Namely the Colony Command Center C3, the ScienceLab, the BioLab. The Repair Shop, Fabricator and Machinery Plant are somewhat merged together. The resource system was heavily changed, too. At first I though of editing the save file but the changes were too many and the endeavor outlining ahead too overwhelming. So I had to find a most painless way to rebuilt.

This is what I did:

  1. Open a new sandboxin KSP 1.0.2 and build a full fledged MKS base with all you need in one craft. You can build everything as it was previously or try adifferent (maybe better-looking and with fewer parts to improve lagging)design.
  2. Use the EPL tocalculate the Rocket-Parts count. Moreover write down the amount of Machinery-Parts you will need to keep the base up and functional.
  3. Load the old save inthe old 0.90 version of the game. If your old base is, like mine, capable of building rockets off-world thanks to ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads mod, you can build a big Rocket-Parts thank next to it and fill it up.
  4. Evacuate every Kerbal and take them home/elsewhere.
  5. Blow/terminate your base as you wish.
  6. Now switch again to the 1.0.2 version of KSP.
  7. Load your old save file where you have just deleted the base.
  8. Build a rocket that can land next to the Rocket-Parts tank featuring the parts listed at the end of this post
  9. Get next to the tank with the above-mentioned module and link to the tank with the pipes (you can use docking ports if you feel masochist).
  10. Plant Survey Stakes where you intend the base to pop out.
  11. Load the new base inEPL GUI and start build.
  12. Warp. A lot of it.
  13. Finalize Build and link to the rest to transfer Machinery, life supplies or whatever resources you wish.
  14. Take other Kerbals to the base as working force.
  15. If you have chosen a nice spot for landing you should be able to mine all what is needed to replenish.


  • MKS Pioneer Module with two low-stupidity/many-stars engineers.
  • Survey Stakes.
  • USI Radial Tanks with Machinery-Parts (and Uranite if you wish to use PDU)
  • Supplies for many days if you use any Life support system.
  • A way to producing sustained electric power (I used a small karbonite drill and generator. Don't recommend solar panels).
  • KAS Pipes and pylon to link things together and transfer resources.

some pictures to help you sort it out:

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  • I would like to port my 0.90 save file to KSP 1.0.2, can I?
  • Yes you can, but be prepared to a lot of work and losses.

  • Which mods need particular care?
  • Universal Storage will brake nearly every craft. Interstellar Extended and MKS/OKS will work only partially. Some parts welded with UbioZur mod will need tobe rebuilt.

  • How do I replace my MKS base?
  • You have to use Extraplanetary Launchpads to build it anew.

Edited by LastStarDust
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I wasn't able to easily select a flying vessel from here and switch to it. Every single vessel I had flying was sort of grayed out. Only after a lot of double clicking I was able to switch to some of them. Anyway after the new game has loaded the old craft once this issue seemed to be solved as from then on that craft will be selectable as usual.

Incidentally, this tracking station bug in 1.0.x is something that pops up in my career game from time to time, even though I started a fresh career with 1.0.2; I don't think it's specific to the case where you're trying to keep an old career save from a prior version.

No idea what causes it; doesn't seem to be correlated to any particular event or action that I've been able to figure out. When it triggers, the symptom is as you describe: every vessel in the tracking station UI is grayed out, can't switch to anything. Exiting to the main menu and re-loading the career doesn't fix it.

The workaround I've found is to just launch a minimal ship (say, a Stayputnik by itself), then while it's sitting there on the launchpad, go to map view and switch to whatever ship it was that I wanted to fly. That seems to unwedge the tracking station, it works fine after that (and I can recover the dummy ship off the pad the next time I'm in KSC view).

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