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More than one science report from the same biome in the capsule?

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If you make two or more experiments in one biome, the game only lets you store one of them in the capsule, and the other ones have to be thrown away.

Is there any way to allow it to store more? Cause that seems a bit silly... go all the way to the mun, lug all that science equipment, and have to throw 2/3 of it away because I can't store more than one...

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Either bring less science equipment with you, and save some delta-v, or build your spacecraft in such a way as to allow you to make re-entry with the science equipment attached.

Having a Command Pod with Service Module then a Heat Shield, will allow you to fill the service bay with science gear, and bring it all back with you.

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I assume you mean more than one identical report, as multiple reports of different experiments works fine. You can always transmit the first batch of data for a portion of the science gain (100% for crew and eva reports), and store the next wave in the crew cab. Afterwards, there's usually not a huge amount of science to gather, but you can, as mentioned above, keep the science equipment attached. You want to keep the experiments in for re-entry anyway, since they're kind of expensive.

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Also be aware that you're not throwing away as much as you think. The amount of science reported when you run an experiment indicates how much you will get assuming that you turned in the results right now, before you turn in a different but otherwise identical experiment. The total science you can get from a given experiment at a particular biome and altitude is capped, usually in the range of 100% to 130% of the science you'd get from a single return.

What this means is that if you return two goo experiments from the same location, worth 100 science each, while the first one would get you 100 science, the second would get you considerably less, not even the 30 science that would get you to the cap. Unless it's changed from the last time I looked, you'd get 100*30/130 or slightly more than 23 points. The third one would get you 100*7/130, or about 5.4 science.

Because of this, I don't worry about hitting the science cap and I don't intentionally do multiple identical experiments on the same mission.

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Yeah, I know about the diminishing returns, which is why I wanted to do several at a time to get all the science data.

I'm not really doing it for the extra few points of science it gives me, but for the completion. Having to land on the same Mun's biome 4 times to completely finish goo or materials experiment is really annoying.

I could do bigger heavier craft with the intention of returning all the science equipment back, but was hoping it were possible to do it otherwise.

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If you make two or more experiments in one biome, the game only lets you store one of them in the capsule, and the other ones have to be thrown away..

Each science store can only contain one copy of a each unique science experiment, but unlimited combos that differ.

Possible science stores are: The instrument that generated them, Kerbals, and man-able Pods.

One solution: Strap a spare science container to your lander.

My favorite one is Bill, in a command chair in a service bay. Science store that is lightweight, and doubles as an emergency repair toolkit if needed.

Or maybe use Bob, and have him clean out the instruments after use, allowing multiple goo reading from one cannister.

Better yet, bring both! for a total mass penalty of only 260kg. Get Triple redundancy on all experiments, plus your support staff get training free of charge.

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Yes, the lab can store repeated science from one biome. But considering after third research the profits are zilch, the mass of the lab and its fragility (plus the fact you need to land it on Kerbin), bringing three MK1 pods on a tricoupler will be much easier.

Of course the lab can produce lots and lots of useful science from any research you put in it, but then you can remove it and move to a more easily landed craft.

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