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Get out of the Atmosphere without stalling Rocket Carrier- Wings/Plane

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Ok I really need your help.

I try to construct a rocket carrier so that I can get out of the first part of the atmosphere and then launch my rocket to get to the mun etc.

My problem is I can\'t get out of the 1st part of the atmosphere. The rocketcarrier is flying good until it reaches ca. 9000-10000 m and then I get a terrible stall. >:(

The Carrier starts spining around etc. If I am lucky I can get control of the craft at 2000 m but the mission is failed either way. ???

Here is a pic of my carrier.


Please help. Alone I can\'t get rid of the Stall.

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Judging from that screenshot alone, here are a few suggestions.

1) Consider increasing your wing loading area (i.e., make bigger wings to provide more lift)

2) Utilize the Engine Nacelle part with your engines (it features ramjet inlets to increase fuel flow to your engines to boost thrust)

3) Utilize the Ramjet intakes (you\'re currently using standard ones, the ramjets will help with higher-altitude operation)

4) Add RCS tanks and thrusters at the front of the craft and the rear

Also, I noticed that your command pod is attached to the carrier. Once you detach the Munar rocket, you would still be controlling the carrier. Unless that\'s what you intend, I would reconstruct the craft to have the command pod on the Munar rocket with the carrier attached.

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I can\'t find the nosecone in NovaPunch parts. Deleting that, I\'m finding this too tail heavy to control off the runway.

So I decided to rework it: (Less mass and more lift in back; simplified but similar design)


14 km altitude and 400 m/s speed should be doable before you\'re forced to eject the jet parts. Maybe more.

edit: Er, intakes don\'t do anything yet. (It\'s interesting to go into their CFGs, and note that they all have a part type of strut...)

edit 2: at 14 km on Kerbin, the atmospheric density/pressure is down to 6% what it is at KSC, so it\'s not *that* bad...

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edit: Er, intakes don\'t do anything yet. (It\'s interesting to go into their CFGs, and note that they all have a part type of strut...)

Really? I could have sworn I noticed some serious changes in high-altitude performance on some of my spaceplane designs. Hmm. I\'m guessing that will be remedied in 15.1 or 16?

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First Thanks for your replies so far. Tomorrow I will redesign the craft with your suggestions.

The thing on top of the carrier is an rocketengine, because I thought the stall would be there because of to little speed.

Thanks again. :)

Update: Now it is looking like UmbralRaptor\'s with RCS and it works. But I still doesn\'t have enough fuel to get to the mun and back. But thats another issue.

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