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Mk2 Space Station kit (crane+refueler+pushback tractor+SSTO+modules+module deliverer)

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Mk2 Space Station Kit:

Ever since the advent of the Mk2 cargo bays to the game, I've been working off and on to construct a full station kit based on it's size, and have finally completed a somewhat sizable number of modules. But simply making modules is something almost everyone's done. I wanted to do something more. So I decided to additionally create a set of Ground Crew Vehicles so that a single SSTO could launch all of the modules for a space station without having to be recovered after every flight to add a new module.

How the System Works: (*note* the vehicles in the album are older versions; the other pictures are of the updated versions)

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Without further Ado, the Modules:

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All sensors/solar cells/antennae are toggle with Action Group 4.

Subassembly Downloads (the filenames say 1 m instead of Mk2):

Long Habitation Module



Lf+O Fuel Module

Lf Fuel Module


LV-N Engine Module

Ion Enginer Module

Space Tug

Short Habitation Module

The SSTO (OO-1U "RoboRoc" - for more information, click the link in my sig and scroll to the SSTO section)



The Crane:

(works using fuel transfer)

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The Refueler:

(has normal and junior docking ports and is built to fit a Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron with a LY-10 Small Landing Gear beneath it (use should be fairly self explanatory, don't try to pull any turns above 15 m/s with a full tank))

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The Pushback Tractor:

(Should work for any craft with an LY-10 Small Landing Gear Protruding from the bottom of the fuselage)

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The Module Deliverer:

(Attach the modules inside the spaceplane hangar and then launch)



The .craft files have the action groups in the descriptions.

If there's anything I've missed in this description, don't hesitate to comment. I sort of just through all of this together without much editing.


Edited by Ojimak
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The SSTO is based off my OO-1 'Roc' design with the main difference being a lack of crew cabin, hence the designation OO-1U 'RoboRoc'.


Edited by Ojimak
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That is a cleverly made crane ! And I like those station modules, well done ! Rep+

I'm thinking the station could do with some sort of sensor arm/science array though, for looks/functionality.

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