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Skype Group Chat for KSP?

o Atomsk

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Long time lurker of the forums and finally decided to register to create this thread.

I've noticed a lot of like minded people on this forum, enough that I got an idea. I was going to suggest creating a Skype group where a lot of us can talk and get to know one another in real time. I figure since we're all fans of KSP here we all probably enjoy some kind of space games, physics, science, space, etc. We could make a lot of friends with each other that way. I am in my mid 20s, just graduated from University, and been looking for people who have just the same amount of passion for these kind of games (or programming in general). It'd be nice if there were people of all the same age group (someone could make a Skype chat that's for high schoolers, college goers, etc). I don't know if this will have a good reception, but I just wanted to throw that out there for any of you that could be interested.

If you're interested, please send me a message of your Skype name, and we can get you added!

Edited by o Atomsk
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That's a good idea, also, we have a unofficial steam group. People are in the chat usually all the time.

*The members who actually use the group chat - there's 85 people in the group but only like 10 of them regularly visit the chat :P

But yeah this skype thing is definitely a good idea - I hate not being able to use the group chat when I'm not at home (stupid steam mobile app doesn't support group chats). Whatsapp could also be an option, but it needs your phone number so some people might not like that.

E: And there's also the KSP IRC - this would probably be the easiest option since it works great on computers as well as mobile devices.

Edited by CaptainKorhonen
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Dedicated age groups wouldn't work. I'm saying that from my experience. Official KSP Steam group is a wasteland where rarely anyone speaks anything, and the KSP Forum Steam group is usually little over ten people. I don't even know why do people join groups if they don't want to use them.

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Oh? Where can I find these places? Is there a sticky that I missed to pick these up? If there's a group, I can extend this offer and create a Skype group where we can all get to know each other, post crazy cool links, and talk about KSP among other things.

I'd air it out, and just make a nice real-time chat for everyone. Anyone can add at will, if they can.

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