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[Music] KSP music-Symphony included!


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KSP music

Orchestral music

'First' symphony:

1st movement: **

2nd movement: ****

3rd movement: ***

4th movement: *****

This symphony is actually a programmatic work, it tells a story; the story of the first kerbal to go into space, get distracted by a jazzy melody, fails to notice his orbit decaying, undergoes re-entry, skips off of the atmosphere, re-enters again, and then splashes down.

Kerbin overture


Sounds nice

Chamber music


Fugue in E major for string orchestra:


A fugue that captures both the light-hearted nature of the game and its complexity (I mean, 5 independent melodies at once is quite complex!)

Bob's fugue in Ab major:


No meaning, just sounds nice :P

Other chamber music

The kerbal


The awe of the kerbol system, through the eyes of a kerbal.

Any comments, criticisms or suggestions are always welcome!

Edited by SpaceSphereOfDeath
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They all sound great! What seemed to be a bit of dissonance around 0:18 in the overture, but it was well placed if intentional. Good to know we have successor to Kevin MacLeod. :D

Edit: Yeah, I'm finding a small bit of dissonance. In case you didn't know, a dissonance is two non-resonanting sounds, e.g, it sounds unpleasant. I'm not sure how much you know about composing, e.g doing it by "feel" or actually intentionally doing it by the books, but you may want to take a look at perfect 5ths, etc.

Edit 2: I do like the last one, being a player of double bass myself.

Edited by waterlubber
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They all sound great! What seemed to be a bit of dissonance around 0:18 in the overture, but it was well placed if intentional. Good to know we have successor to Kevin macLeod

It was intentional, and I typically don't listen to music as I compose UNTILL I am completely finished, then I go back and make revisions to it. Unless it is something large like my 22 minute symphony, in which case I would write the movements one by one and then listen back. It's all theory. On my level of theory knowledge, I have been offered composing lessons by a known composer... After only being able to read music for 1 year. On the other hand, my music is completely emotionless, I derive all of it via methodical mathematical processes, which yes sometimes turns up dissonance as a chord progression, but very rarely do I use dissonant intervals that are more dissonant than a major second or minor 7th. Especially tritones.

But thank you for your kind words!

(Should I upload my 2 symphonies?, they're quite long, the first is 16 minutes and the second is 22. If so, should I break each down into each movement as a different video?)

Edited by SpaceSphereOfDeath
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You should probably upload them to soundcloud, or as 360p or a lower resolution to save bandwith. Depends on your internet speeds.

(I only know of harmonies because I use ham radio. Yep!)

But the animation is half the appeal! Plus it doesn't take that long, only about 1 hour from finishing editing to finishing uploading, speaking of which. I'm uploading my third symphony (titled:"first") soon, all four movements. I'll post it when it's uploaded.

EDIT: oh... a 74 minute upload time... after 45 minutes of rendering? You were right :wink:

EDIT2: 224 minuites... ummmm...

Edited by SpaceSphereOfDeath
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