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Reducing/eliminating crew costs

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When I launch a mission, I always let 2 empty seats in the return vehcile. They are mosltly always filled with free new recuits. I even have to do a special mission to minmus space station to get them back. The previous return vehicle was too small...

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(...)you don't know the specalization of the kerbal you are rescuing.

I didn't find that too much of a problem. The rate of specializations fees pretty ballanced, though I guess RNG can play jokes on specific players. But scientists slowly lose their value as the tech-tree fills up, while engineers get more welcomed as mining operations spread. So it's kinda' doesn't matter who you get on the long run. Yeah, it's harder to find a good use for pilots, as a cheap OCTO-core can do what they can (and Jeb overshadows them anyways). I have a secret tendency to send noname pilots on missions where returning is a not-so-high priority.

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Yes the fly by wire is game breaking for pilots. A little challenging to design around if you like docking head first. But it is low in the tech tree, it is very light and it is better until your pilot hits level 3. They should add in pilots have a chance to recruit free recruits of the opposite gender after returning to Kerbal from a mission. Percentage chance depends on the challenge of the mission i.e. first time back from orbit is practically 100%. It could also be tied in with upgrading the administration building.

- - - Updated - - -

And yes the RNG played a major joke on me. my first 15 rescues were 13 pilots 1 scientist 1 engineer. To top it off the price of hiring new recruits goes up when you rescue someone. I need 3-4 scientist but they were 600k and at the time i only had 1.2m in my bank.

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my first 15 rescues were 13 pilots 1 scientist 1 engineer. To top it off the price of hiring new recruits goes up when you rescue someone.

Oucs. Hope that RNG won't play that trick on me once I start my very hard career run. Makes me wonder if a kerbal's role is decided upon rescue, acceptance of the mission or at the generation of the offer. Guess I'll do some save-hogging to check it out.

I also wonder if the recruiting price goes down if you happen to... umm... lose some pilots during... unforseen and unexpected accidents during generally totally safe asignments. Like gathering surface samples of Jool or Kerbol... or such. Wheren't you tempted to try?

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Oucs. Hope that RNG won't play that trick on me once I start my very hard career run. Makes me wonder if a kerbal's role is decided upon rescue, acceptance of the mission or at the generation of the offer. Guess I'll do some save-hogging to check it out.

It's a hash based on the Kerbal's name.

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