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KSC is gone

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KSP 1.0.2 Windows 32-Bit

What i managed to do:

My KSC is gone i only see the Skybox, i can enter menu, timewarp to next morning etc. but all i see is the skybox

Since i posted this in "modded" here are the mods i use:

"Kerbal Engineer Redux"


Also: A Folder with custom flags converted to DDS

How i got myself into it:

- Build a Kerbalcanon (Mainsal upsidedown with funnel ontop)

- Try to put 10 Kerbals from Hitchhikercontainers inside Funnel

- After the 6th Kerbal jumped down, screen goes black.

- Try to switch vessel, no vessel nearby

- Can look arround but there is nothing but the Skybox

- Go back to KSC, no KSC there just the same Skybox

- Since im only fooling around in Sandbox i start a new sandboxgame

only to findout that even here i have no KSC

Picture of my "KSC"


I guess it is the spacekraken, too many kerbals in a too small room. But the thing that made me post this is the fact that even after starting a new game i dont have a ksc.

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I recently was messing about with pruning assets I don't use, and pruned some of the IVAs. That caused this exact problem, even when not in IVA view. Unpruning the IVAs fixed it. So some asset being unloadable could be the problem.

yeah, it could, but i still don't know which mod is causing it, or how to fix it... therein lies my problem.

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so, i managed to get back to my rocket after mashing buttons... but the staging was... well, gone. however, parts would work as i right click. however, when i lifted off, it vanished again


not RPM or FAR... stock is fine,a nd i'll start adding mods one by one

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