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PS4 Announcement Discussion


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  Spartwo said:
The PS4 has better base hardware than my current computer:P And the touch-pad on the controller is effective enough for construction.

That's true I suppose the ps4 could handle KSP to an extent, but if KSP were to crash for whatever reason, what then?

Edit: If theres a separate team to manage and develop the console version im all for it.

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  RocketPilot573 said:
As I said in the above, I think the best case scenario would be that Unity 5 has done wonders for performance and it will run on the PS4 without losing features, meanwhile the computer version will run at ludicrous speed.

But that does not solve the other issues such a port will bring... They better be so financially stable now that they can hire alot of new developers, so that it does not take away resources from PC version. And they better also make sure they dont release a gimped version for pc with a gui designed for consoles or add any new limitations like part count limits.

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  Spartwo said:
The PS4 has better base hardware than my current computer:P And the touch-pad on the controller is effective enough for construction.

I highly doubt that... It is pretty damn slow when it comes to CPU performance.. Even my phenom 2 from 2009 runs circles around the console CPU's which are basically low powered cpus more intended for mobile platforms.

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Normally I am all for a game moving to another platform, but this makes me nervous. The PS4 has a weak CPU, and several recent games have highlighted this. KSP is a very CPU heavy game, to the point where my i7 has a hard time keeping up pegged at 3ghz in turbo (its a laptop) with higher part counts (300'ish). Even with Unity 5.1's multithreading magic, I just don't see it working out.

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  Robotengineer said:
Evidently they are teaming up with another developer, anyone heard of Flying Tiger? RR (Relevant Reddit)

Oh. So it is KSP, but it's not taking away from the main game. They're hiring someone else. I was worried there. But I really, REALLY hope that this won't influence the main game's development (in a bad way, such as getting a new feature axed because it's too much for consoles).

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Well, now it all makes sense. No wonder 1.0 was so rushed and broken. Sad sad day...

And for background, this is someone who hates PC gaming and owns a PS4, literally the only game I have for my computer is KSP, any other game I would rather play on a console...but not kerbal...I feel sick, its like someone just stuck a knife into the quivering half dead body of Jeb.

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I sincerely hope that either a.) this is a bad joke or b.) Squad knows something I don't about PS4.

I've got no problem with consoles in principle, but I've never seen a game so ill-suited to them as KSP. That said, in my mind the problems boil down to only three issues: controllers, performance, and mods. Each by itself seems insurmountable from where I'm sitting, but then again I'm not one of the devs and they surely know things I don't. If they can solve all three (and it has to be all three, since each alone is a potential deal-breaker) then I think it could work out for the best.

Personally, I can't picture trying to build a complicated mult-part ship in stock KSP, at 10 FPS, with a console controller. But I would be happy to be proven wrong.

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I have been mapping it out, and with my knowledge of the OS4 controller, there's no way you could get docking into the game. It will have to be more limited. Just the lack of mouse proves this. Craft interactivity will be limited to 0.13 days. Basically v0.13 with better graphics, more parts, and more planets, and maybe a career mode too. Probably EVAs, if you can figure a good button for it. Though science would be very hard.

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Another question.

Action groups? I don't think so.

EDIT: I'm not bashing SQUAD for their decision, I'm just pointing out how a PS4 controller isn't gonna work well.

Who knows, maybe SQUAD is also partnering with Sony to make new PS4 Mouse and Keyboard products. :sticktongue:

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  boxman said:
I highly doubt that... It is pretty damn slow when it comes to CPU performance.. Even my phenom 2 from 2009 runs circles around the console CPU's which are basically low powered cpus more intended for mobile platforms.

Admittedly the CPU is a little bit better. A little.

  Endersmens said:
oh man...this is conflicting.

Especially since I own an xbox. :sealed:

You got Space Engineers.

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Controls: it's not impossible. (reposting self) I imagine various things will be chorded or sequenced; so you would press one "mode" button to call up options for symmetry type, symmetry amount. And press one button to enter the part functions 1-2-3-4 (move part, rotate, re-root.) Action groups could be done by pressing one button for "action" which calls up a list you scroll with d-pad, trigger to select.

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No dev time lost thanks to the kind people at Flying Tiger, who have shown us fantastic progress with getting the game working on the PS4. Also they've been great to work with as well, as Unity 5 was something both studios could work on at the same time and it really, really increased the speed at which we progressed through that project.

Worry not, 1.0.3 is still being worked on and you shouldn't have to wait much longer for it.

Edit: And you'd be amazed at how well the DS4 works with the game. We certainly were ourselves.

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  Maxmaps said:
No dev time lost thanks to the kind people at Flying Tiger, who have shown us fantastic progress with getting the game working on the PS4. Also they've been great to work with as well, as Unity 5 was something both studios could work on at the same time and it really, really increased the speed at which we progressed through that project.
So long as we're not sharing GUI designs between platforms I see no problem, but please, please, please don't fall into Bethesda mode game design; it's terrible for PC.
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  Maxmaps said:
No dev time lost thanks to the kind people at Flying Tiger, who have shown us fantastic progress with getting the game working on the PS4. Also they've been great to work with as well, as Unity 5 was something both studios could work on at the same time and it really, really increased the speed at which we progressed through that project.

Worry not, 1.0.3 is still being worked on and you shouldn't have to wait much longer for it.

Edit: And you'd be amazed at how well the DS4 works with the game. We certainly were ourselves.

Even then, I'm still worried about this. Unless Unity 5 brought some major optimizations, I seriously, seriously doubt how well KSP would run on a PS4. I feel like there is going to be part count limits, if U5 didn't do as much as we hope it should. Also, one of the many joys of KSP that has most likely made an affect on it's popularity is the mods, and PS4 won't have mods (unless you go with that strange thing Bethesda is doing, but KSP a ram hogger).

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  Maxmaps said:
No dev time lost thanks to the kind people at Flying Tiger, who have shown us fantastic progress with getting the game working on the PS4. Also they've been great to work with as well, as Unity 5 was something both studios could work on at the same time and it really, really increased the speed at which we progressed through that project.

Worry not, 1.0.3 is still being worked on and you shouldn't have to wait much longer for it.

Edit: And you'd be amazed at how well the DS4 works with the game. We certainly were ourselves.

that still dosen't help cure this uncontrolable erge to vomit. will the pc version get nerfed to conform to console limitations, not that the patches and content updates were "back to back but will this effect the content as a whole? if something is to complicated for the console dose that mean pc wont get it eather. i feal sick as hell because of this news.

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