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Best Late-Game Extension Mods (Interstellar vs Near Future)

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Hello Fellow Kerbalnauts.

I have been playing through KSP for the first time, and I cannot overstate how much mods have added to the experience thus far. In particular SCANsat and RT2 added a feeling of progression and StageRecovery (along with RT2 again) are great for adding more engineering concerns and a level of realism.

What I am wondering now is what next? I feel like there is not really any point in going to other planets. I have used most of the parts, and done most of the stuff the game has offered by simply visiting the Mun and Minmus.

I looked at The Community Tech Tree, and it was exactly what I was looking for, an extension, but it was just empty branches and for some reason the main page did not even list which potential combinations of mods to use to fill it out. It was not clear if it recommended installing all supported mods, or some were more of an either or situation.

And there in Interstellar, which has always looked interesting.

Anyways, what are your suggestions for adding new technologies/things to do (in particular reasons to go to other planets) for someone who has done everything else.

Edited by wisnoskij
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Because getting off Eve is like getting off the Kerbin or the Mun just with a bigger rocket. Building bigger and bigger rockets, and working with more and more lag is not why I play KSP. I am interested in more complex and smart engineering and flying challenges. And a reason to do so. I landed on the Mun to unlock tech. There is no reason to leave Kerbins SOI for science/tech as there is more than enough there to unlock everything.

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wow... no point leaving kerbin's SOI?? seriously? I d invite you to reconsider strongly. Each planet and each natural satellite has its own challenge. And you have your complex and smart engineering challenge there on each of those. And doing so without lag is another challenge.. and so on and so on. You ve barely seen what the game has to offer by not going interplanetary imho. In my career mun and minmus were maybe the first 5%

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If you don't really see any point in going to other planets, then I recommend Astronomers Visual Pack. You can see dust storms on Duna, bioluminescent clouds on Laythe, or even the auroras on Jool. It really adds to a feeling of immersion.

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wow... no point leaving kerbin's SOI?? seriously?

Well at least no progression. I have just about unlocked everything interesting on the tech tree, and by the time my Mun expedition sends back its science the tech tree will be complete and for me it will feel like the game is complete.

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Well at least no progression. I have just about unlocked everything interesting on the tech tree, and by the time my Mun expedition sends back its science the tech tree will be complete and for me it will feel like the game is complete.

Yes indeed science is quickly maxed out. But to make use of all the parts you have unlocked now, you can have fun going interplanetary. Building space station around other bodies. There is plenty of contracts that require to go beyond kerbin's SOI. Moving big asteroids is challenging. So the progression left for you now could be oriented towards contracts, reputation, funds, pushing the limits, working on creativity and optimisation of your ships and so on.

Regarding the late game extension I' m not there yet and can't really advise but my plan is to install new solar system or the real solar system once I m really done with the stock one. Kerbal Galaxy looks promising but it s too early for me and for the mod I think.

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Because getting off Eve is like getting off the Kerbin or the Mun just with a bigger rocket. Building bigger and bigger rockets, and working with more and more lag is not why I play KSP. I am interested in more complex and smart engineering and flying challenges. And a reason to do so. I landed on the Mun to unlock tech. There is no reason to leave Kerbins SOI for science/tech as there is more than enough there to unlock everything.

1. Eve ascent is a special case, it is intended to be that hard, but not others. If you don't like Eve for now, why not go somewhere else?

2. It's not as simple as just building big. The first thing is that Kerbin system don't give you a chance to build a rocket that takes off in an atmospheric setting after a landing, unless you land a rocket on Kerbin and then take off again, but I guess you didn't do that (neither do I). And the fact that surface pressure of Eve is greater than 1atm just makes the design consideration even more important.

3. My 5-crew lander that can return from a Duna/Ike landing trip - needs less than 100 parts. My i3 from a couple of years ago didn't find any problem with computing its physics even after I spammed science instruments on the lander.

4. You can't do interplanetary transfer with eyeballing the target above horizon or things like that. Putting maneuver node itself is at least somewhat harder than Mun/Minmus. If you still want a harder challenge - try fly a plane on those planets with atmosphere?

5. Two ways to deal with abundant fund/sci - either set up your own goal (and forget about contracts), or start a career with extremely low rewards

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Well at least no progression. I have just about unlocked everything interesting on the tech tree, and by the time my Mun expedition sends back its science the tech tree will be complete and for me it will feel like the game is complete.

Life begins with the tech tree is complete. Now you can actually do complex and interesting engineering challenges :).

Try building a self-sufficient colony on another world. For this you will need a life support mod (take your pick from many choices), the USI Kolonization System, and maybe Extraplanetary Launchpads to be self-sufficient in hardware as well. This will tax your imagination and definitely be a challenge.

Or set yourself some smaller but still challenging goal, such as circumnavigating the planet of your choice via a rover (or air vehicle). See how many asteroids you can maneuver into a specific crater on Mun. Go visit all the anomalies.

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The beauty of this game, for me, is that I can set my own goals, end-game, whatever you want to call it. I am also very close to finishing the tech tree, but this is just the beginning for me. My ultimate goal is to create a massive ring station in Kerbin orbit. I expect it to cost upwards of 100 million Kash. This means I'll probably need to land a science lab on every single body and convert the science to Kash in order to fund the thing.

But yes, I can see the allure of mods to give you that creative spark, help you devise your own goals, or make them harder/easier, whatever you want. I just don't know of any yet, since I haven't explored all that the stock game has to offer me.

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Ok, lets focus on a more specific question.

Near Future Technology VS Interstellar.

They both have far more varied and advanced parts.

Both have more fuel types I believe.

Not sure how either handle resource gathering. Or if either are extensions to the game or more like complete reworks. Both support community tech tree. I am not sure what their tech tree is like without it? I am not sure if either would include empty branches if I installed it and CTT. Neither seem to have decent demo/trailer videos to watch.

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I suggest you to choose Interstellar. Near Future is a great great mod, focused on electric engines, Interstellar offers futuristic engines and futuristic technologies, to reach incredible results.

Then you can make another choice, install them both. They're actually compatible...

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Longtime player of both, so hopefully I can answer your questions. They're both excellent mods btw.

Not sure how either handle resource gathering.

KSPI has its own, fairly versatile ISRU system (not sure if they merged it in any way with the stock one), while NFT has none AFAIK though this may have changed with the 1.0 update.

Or if either are extensions to the game or more like complete reworks.

They're more like extensions; KSPI is much closer to a rework though. The only modifications to stock are that KSPI requires you to add radiators to long-term missions relying on solar power and modifies the seismometer, whereas NF halves the stock ion engine's thrust to keep it in line with its own balance and has an optional module switching stock nukes to using its own liquid hydrogen resource rather than stock LF (at least last time I checked). Now on to what they add.

NF is pretty stockalike in its mechanics; the only really new things are the reactors, and those are relatively simple. It basically just expands on the ion engines a lot, with supporting power generation and storage. KSPI is more in depth, adding a much more complicated system of energy production, heat management, and energy usage, along with some complicated engine mechanics, warp drives, and a minor overhaul to the science system. I'd personally go with KSPI, but only if you're willing to deal with it being really complicated. And keep in mind that KSPI is a whole lot more overpowered, though NF is also fairly overpowered.

Both support community tech tree. I am not sure what their tech tree is like without it? I am not sure if either would include empty branches if I installed it and CTT.

CTT's gonna have empty branches pretty much no matter what, since there are a few branches intended for specific mods which take a bit of tracking down. I'd install it, since it's pretty good anyway. Not sure what their tech trees look like without it, but they're probably serviceable ones.

Neither seem to have decent demo/trailer videos to watch.

Nope. The best demo for KSPI I'm aware of is Scott Manley's video on it, and I know of no good one for NF.

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