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Radiators to slow or prevent overheating!

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Overheating is a big problem in ksp, and I think I have an idea to prevent it!

Radiators! Now, this would need a few things

Water (new resource)

Electricity (for it to work)

Something to contain water

So. Basically, a radiator would use electricity and use water to cool the engines. It would only take a small amount of heat off of the engine, making them not too overpowered.

How to get water:

Water tanks! New part btw.

Inline and radial, in 2 sizes

The tanks must be connected to the radiator with a fuel pipe in order for them to work

Hope you liked this suggestion!


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Solar panels already act as radiators (its even in the description).

Also engine pre-cooler acts as very effective radiator (just a lot of people don't know that it works even in vacuum and on any kind of engine, not just on air-breathing ones as description state - perhaps better description is in order).

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