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How are mods after 1.0.3?


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MechJeb works fine, but I did notice some wobbling using it while on a test launch.

wobbling's been there since 1.00 at least. I do notice the default trajectories causing things to get a lot of sonic drag and shock heating.

Going to try to tweak the trajectories, see if that helps. But MJ will probably have to have some way of more throttle control as well.

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Just imported my 1.0.2 game with KAS, KIS, MJ (I won't tell you why it wasn't working, because anything you could imagine would be less stupid than reality), Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, RPM, and Vessel Viewer. Everything looks pretty good.

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Tentatively, the bugfix in 1.0.4 may have benefits that ripple through other areas. I'm not sure I ever saw the bug itself, the [rob;ems I had may be an install problem that I'd missed and fixed without conscious intent when I upgraded.

I did edit a couple of .version files.

MechJeb is working, but the default settings probably need tweaking for atmospheric flights. I found they did for best results with all the 1.0.x versions of KSP. Many of the early real launchers had high TWR, and the astronauts pulled a lot of G. With current aerodynamics and heating, things can get out of hand.

1: The Terminal Velocity limit may not be safe at some altitudes.

2: An Acceleration limit helps.

3: On a rocket booster, increasing the Angle-of-attack limit can keep you close to the planned trajectory

3: Look to tweaking the trajectory. The default seems to have the gravity turn a little too fast

The YongeTech Tech Tree plug-in is working with the latest version.

Anything that works on v1.0.3 should work with v1.0.4 and it looks as though most of the changes will have no great effect once you get into orbit.

One of my first test-flights did survive re-entry without a heat-shield, but then I discovered I had forgotten the parachute.


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Is there an easy way to update the game to the latest version? I have a Steam copy but I play with several dozen mods active in a SEPARATE folder. Of course, only my Steam copy stays up to date, so which files do I copy over so that my modded instance is up to date?

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Well, I guess all your mods are just in the Game Data folder which contains the Squad folder only by default. So just everything from the fresh steam install over to your modded game would update your current install *no warranty given*

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Well, I guess all your mods are just in the Game Data folder which contains the Squad folder only by default. So just everything from the fresh steam install over to your modded game would update your current install *no warranty given*

That would disjoint everything from CKAN, making the manager believe that everything was installed manually, and thus not keep them up to date. Hmm it seems that only about half the mods are compatible anymore! What's with that? CKAN is showing 263 compatible mods where in the 1.0.2 instance it shows 510.

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Is there an easy way to update the game to the latest version? I have a Steam copy but I play with several dozen mods active in a SEPARATE folder. Of course, only my Steam copy stays up to date, so which files do I copy over so that my modded instance is up to date?

What I do is let Steam update the stock install to the latest version, then I make a duplicate folder of it to run my modded career on, in this case - KSP 1.0.4 - Modded.

I don't recommend to do a direct replacement of the GameData folder because Squad's files for stock parts are also in there! Instead, you should check if your existing mods have been updated to 1.0.4 and install them in your new modded game folder first.

As for everything else just do a mass copy and paste if you want to keep the mods and test them in 1.0.4. Make use of the opportunity to trim off mods that don't make the grade or are rarely used. :)

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