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Basic Jet Engine - Nerfed or Balanced?

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With the new aero model of 1.0, and other balancing tweaks, I posted a comment on May 4th that I thought a small gap existed between the Basic Jet Engine and the Turbo-Ramjet:

Regarding the jet turbine engines, I do feel that there is a gap now between the performance of the J-33 "Wheesley" Basic Jet Engine and the J-X4 "Whiplash" Turbo Ramjet Engine. Almost like we have a 50's era jet engine from an F-86 or F-100 and one from the SR-71. Which is cool, I use them both, but I sort of wish we had a more powerful, non-turboramjet engine like what an F-15 or Su-27 KSP-analogue would mount. That ramjet curve sometimes feels like a runaway freight train when it kicks in, you really have to back off the throttle when at lower altitudes before you tear your jet apart. A third jet engine with performance between those two would be nice. But it's no big deal, just a preference.

In the "thrust" realm I find the gap between the two a little wider now with the reduced engine thrust of the J-33 BJE. However, this is offset it seems by the tweaked drag characteristics of v1.0.3. I'm not finding any noticeable changes in performance, speed or acceleration in most of my "conventional" J-33 powered aircraft, but then again, those are all fairly light craft files.

What does become noticeable are J-33 powered VTOL's or anything else that requires the Basic Jet Engine for vertical thrust. The obvious answer would be: "just put the more powerful J-X4 on it". However from certain design points-of-view, the J-X4 is almost twice as long as the J-33 and is a little more challenging to fit in certain areas for said purpose. I know, this seems like sharpshooting or whining, but it's not. I'm very pleased with the 1.0.3 update so far, including the aero and jet engine updates (although some of my planes don't have quite the range now due to the increased fuel flow :P)

Anyway, SPH engineers out there, feel free to weigh in on this; how have your craft designs needed to change or be tweaked? Have you needed to upgrade your jet engines on your aircraft?

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  • 2 months later...

Wishes really do come true :)


New "Panther" engine Porkjet is working on for v1.1.

The caption below this reads: "Your typical fighter jet engine. Features a wide thrust vectoring range, variable geometry nozzle and an afterburner! Fills the performance gap between Turboramjet and Basic jet engine and is more acrobatic than both! Visually it somewhat resembles the old Basic jet engine and its performance prior to 0.90"

Edited by Raptor9
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Wishes really do come true :)


New "Panther" engine Porkjet is working on for v1.1.

The caption below this reads: "Your typical fighter jet engine. Features a wide thrust vectoring range, variable geometry nozzle and an afterburner! Fills the performance gap between Turboramjet and Basic jet engine and is more acrobatic than both! Visually it somewhat resembles the old Basic jet engine and its performance prior to 0.90"

Well I'm jazzed for this

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The BJE is currently a very-low, slow, small, weak engine, but it has perfect efficiency. It is only used with small atmospheric planes that you use to visit places of interests. Even at 4Xwarp, it takes so long that I nearly never use a such weak engine.

Edited by CaptainTurbomuffin
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