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[Idea]How to do a Realistic engine performance calculation?

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Inspired by NathanKell,I want to do something to push forward the "Realistic Engine" version of RF,but there comes a problem:How to do a realistic calculation?

AFAIC,there are mainly two ways to implement it:

1.Use the "raw" data we have now,like the Isp_vac, Isp_SL and maxThrust,we just need to define some more "default" data and use them to calculate the basic params of an engine.If player set a new config of an engine,we use it and basic params calculated before to find out the performance of new-configed engine.

2.Calculate all from bottom.Cast aside what we have now but to set all parameters in the cfg.A more realistic way......and complex

Both ways need more data than we have now.The first way seems to get a more realistic performance(comp to the curves used now) and have less work to do.However,we can get the really-realistic engine by giving every params instead of calculating some from the cfg.

Now I tend to the second one--"all-realistic"

So I got into another problem:

What do we need to calculate an engine's performance?Where are them?

Edited by Librazy
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