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I've been lurking for awhile and thought it was about time I sign up and say hi. I discovered KSP three days before the release of 1.0. I'm an aerospace engineer IRL, though my professional experience is mainly in aviation rather than spaceflight.

Right now I'm mainly playing stock KSP, the only mods I have at the moment are Texture Replacer and Kerbal Alarm Clock. In my career game so far I've managed successful manned missions to Mun and Minmus. I may look into things like Kerbal Engineer to take a more calculating approach, now that I'm aiming for Duna and other destinations beyond the Kerbin system.

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Welcome HotJupiter, and another hello to you!

I recommend Kerbal Engineer. With the delta-v readouts and the delta-v maps around, you can know ahead of time if you have enough for the mission you are planning.

Happy landings!

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Thanks for the link. Besides Kerbal Engineer Redux, I also installed Protractor and Transfer Window Planner. Between the three, I should be able to plan a mission and build a launch vehicle to spec. I also downloaded AntennaRange to add some realism, although it means losing contact with the sat with the whip antenna I diverted into solar orbit to fill a "Fly by the Sun" contract (oops!).

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