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The "Flea" makes perfect landing gear..


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Launched a Stayputnik on a Flea booster straight up. No parachutes or anything.

It came straight down once fuel and momentum ran out; as expected. Somewhat unexpectedly there was no explosion on impact. Rather it simply stopped on the ground and sat there, looking smug.

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Smugness coefficients were added to the aerodynamics modelling system in 1.0.3.

This is not to be confused with Complacency, which has been a known issue of the game since the beginning. Quite probably it is an inherent property of human players. Mods are available to mitigate these factors.

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Kick start the golden generator

Sweet talk but don't intimidate her

Can't stop the gods from engineering

Feel no need for any interfering

Your image in the dictionary

This life is more than ordinary

Can I get two maybe even three of these

Coming from space

To teach you of the pliedes

Can't stop the spirits when they need you

This life is more than just a read through.

.... I'm real bored ladies and gentlemen. No power for days in New Jersey. I am KSP-less. Real bored...

Edited by Motokid600
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It's very light when all the fuel is depleted. It has a reasonable impact resistance and a considerable drag. Well, nice. For my contracts of "test on launchpad" I place the fleas upside down. Stayputnik gets a flame survival test.

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It's very light when all the fuel is depleted. It has a reasonable impact resistance and a considerable drag. Well, nice. For my contracts of "test on launchpad" I place the fleas upside down. Stayputnik gets a flame survival test.

Or you could empty the fuel out before firing and save a bit of Funds. But, yeah. They are light and can absorb a great deal.

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There might be some truth to this.

I started a new 1.0.4 career earlier and had a silly contract to test the Mk 16 parachute under 1,000 meters at a minimum velocity of 100m/s!

The test ship was a two stage contraption with 2 RT-5s mounted above the other, with the intention of using stage 1 for ascent, and stage 2 as a descent stage to keep the velocity low enough that I don't go 'splat' before the new, realistic chutes deploy.

I lit the first stage off and oh my, things were very hectic as the vehicle started dropping like a rock as soon as the first RT-5 ran out of juice. I had no time to fire off the second stage and decouple everything properly as the braking RT-5 was set to something like 25% thrust. I switched the parachute to immediately deploy at the next stage, staged the chute as close to 999m altitude as human reaction allow, heard at least some of the parachute unfurl then- CLASH POW BANG!

Miraculously the rocket was just sitting there beside the launch pad undamaged. The expended RT-5 had taken the full brunt of the impact!

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