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Atlas - Mobile, reusable, interplanetary infastructure

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The first stage involves a number of communication satellites being carried by the movers to near-synchronous orbits to maintain communication between the mother-ship and any craft within the same sphere.


A small comms hub optionally detaches but remains near the mother-ship


Following that the scanner detaches and moves into a scanning orbit.


After the scanning has completed one of the two crew landers lands on location to make way for the miners.


The miners land on location(s) and begin operations, they have 1.6km/s of fuel factoring in ore load on the way back up so fuel isn't such a large concern.



Once the miners fill their first load the fuel silos are filled and placed on varying orbits.


The movers then attach to the converter and ore couriers for the remainder of the infrastructures stay. They serve to refill the silos as well as slowly refuel large or part heavy craft which either have a fuel lack too large for use in the Silos or a part count too high to dock with the mothership.



The mother-ship should be emptied and by the end you should have an infrastructure capable of supporting any fleet.



All craft but the scanner, lander, and miner require the movers to change orbit. While the Atlas class is capable of reaching any body it can not land and return from Duna(apparently, I believe something is up with that map, IMMA check), Kerbin, Eve, Lathe, or Tylo. The Atlas was originally an invasion carrier under the name of Spatha, numerous updates and changes in SAS behaviour made the Spatha function badly, preventing it from serving. The Atlas class has a standard crew of 8 and is roughly 700 parts fully loaded.

Edited by Spartwo
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Smaller would be less effective. It's the only craft to leave the orbital plane of the mothership and so has to move itself significantly and return to dock itself to the 2.5m port.

Edited by Spartwo
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