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Mystery Explosions near kerbin space at both warps

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I don't really know what more to say than the tittle. I'm just hoping someone else with more info will see this and realize its not just them that has the issue.

Basically in physics warp when crossing 70km over kerbin, ascending or descending, unknown things explode. I suspect fairings as the culprit, only because fairings already have a million other bugs associated with them, and I did have them on my spacecrafts. Log says overheated.

Edited by Superluminaut
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I had the issue of overheating at the edge of the atmosphere where the overhead came from the vertical decouples. The heat shot up to an gigantic unreadable number and rapidly spread to the whole ship. The only reason my ship did not explode is because I turned on the cheat to ignore max temperature to see what was going on. Mind you, I have a heavily moded KSP, and this post is for the unmoded game. But it seems to me this is not a mod issue. I placed a thermometer on my ship and took this reading. This is no joke. I just want this issue fixed for I really like this game.


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I just encountered something similar.

I reentered the atmosphere with my spaceplane at roughly orbital velocity and timewarp. The instance it dropped out of warp at the edge of the atmosphere, a Quad Adapter exploded. Since I considered it a bug rather than incompetence, I reloaded a safe file from when it was in a 100 km orbit. The engines on the adapter heated up, causing the adapter to explode again. I reloaded a few times, always with the same result.

I think it that's similar to your problem. There aren't any fairings on the spaceplane, the only new (1.0.3) items are radiators. Also, I don't use any mods except for Kerbal Alarm Clock at the moment.

Below is a screenshot of the spaceplane on the night side of Kerbin after I ignored max heating. The left Quad Adapter is the one which exploded. At least I don't need any lights any more now.


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Also been getting this, can't use warp near to Kerbin or good chance something will blow. Also its not just physics warp for me, also happening 70 to 100k up with normal warp.

Edit: In fact its not just near Kerbin. Just moved to a ship approaching Jool. Hit warp to get to the SOI and it blew. Needless to say it had been sitting idle for nearly 2 years and was not in anyway hot.

Edited by Torih
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I've been watching the debug displays for thermal during reentries, and I've seen large variances depending on whether timewarp is enabled or not, including a couple of hundred degrees in skin temperature that would instantly appear, disappear, and then reappear as I toggled timewarp on, off, and then back on.

I actually came to look through this forum to see if others were experiencing similar issues, as I think the new heating system may not be behaving in the same manner with timewarp enabled as with it off.

Edited by FlowerChild
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Had the issue, albeit in a modded install (including KJR, since someone mentioned it). When I started a large number of engines and the detach clamps, heat radiators would create a massive surge of heat spreading through the entire ship. Up in space the heat context menu would indicate Infinity heat.

Edited by Temeter
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I had two "incidents".

Today : while trying to place a satellite in polar orbit, it suddenly exploded with no heat warning while getting out of time warp (250 km altitude). Damage report said that all the parts of the ship overheated.

Launched the same ship, put it in orbit without using any warp, and watched it for a full orbit : according to Kerbal Engineer, no part went above 360°K.

(Precision, see below : there was no service bay on this satellite)

Last Week :

I was using a subsonic plane, built with part from the 3 first levels of the tree, to convoy a capsule+science experiment and drop it in hard to reach biomes.

I quicksaved before the drop. The ship was at 200 m/s or something like that, 5000m altitude.

The drop was a failure, so I reloaded : just after the reload, all the the temperature gauges of the experiments in the capsule's service bay appear and begin to fill. Two seconds later, they explode.

Reload : same thing. I immediately open the service bay, and wait. Explosion.

Reload : same thing, but I open and immediately close the service bay : the gauges disappear, there is no explosion, I can finish the mission.

Alas, I did not keep the save.

I have tried to reproduce the two incidents, with no luck. I'll try to keep a save, next time.

I suggest it may be a glitch in the calculations used for heat going from one part to another (is convection the word ?) when fast-computing heat at the end of a warp / a save load.

I am too young to have known the Kraken, but it seems I have met his cousin the Dragon :)

By the way : linux, x64, steam but launched from the directory.

Edited by TheSoundOfTrees
added satellite altitude to show atmosphere wasn't the culprit
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I have a mildly-modded game (no parts other than MJ & asteroid day, only visual mods & chatterer otherwise) and my Nastybird's Mk2 probe core keeps exploding under time warp around 69KM up or so. This splits my ship in twain, so to speak, which isn't conducive to, you know, landing in any useful shape.

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