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Is there a way to monitor how much memory each mod uses?

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I'd like to see which mods I have installed are the major memory hogs. I've hit the upward limit of mods I believe (~40) and now get single digit frame rates that make the game unplayable. Wondering how to suss out which ones need to go.

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You would need to put the runtime into analysis mode and attach a memory profiler. Sadly I do not think that is supported with the inbuild mono version. I do that all the time for .NET (real .NET code) and they can show you exactly where the objectss are allocated (down to line of code if debug information is available, otherwise methods). IIRC the unity editor has some such functionality, but then you do not have this available as a user for KSP.

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I see so much fluctuation in memory usage from just restarting KSP even if I make no changes, I can't accurately determine the effect anything really has on how much memory is being used. I've found that the majority of memory usage comes from added textures and I use the file-size of the mod folders as a very rough estimate of what effect it might have. IE, I reduced the size of my GameData folder by about 250MB by adjusting textures and give or take about 50MB I saw my RAM usage decrease by about that much.

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