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Launch abort at last moment?

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The computers can and will abort a launch even after the rockets have started. That is why they start rockets before they let the rocket go and why they do the SRB's last in the launch sequence.

Here is a Youtube video of a Gemini abort at the last moment:


If you listen to the commentary for the Gemini launch you will hear them mention that at 77% throttle, 1.6 seconds before launch a shutdown is not possible. I think that is a Gemini thing and not rockets in general.

Edited by Leszek
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Numerous launches have aborted after main engine ignition. Many rockets are designed so they don't release the launch clamps until all the engines are stable at full thrust. I don't know specifically about the Saturn V, but the shuttles could definitely abort after main engine ignition but before they lit the SRBs.

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