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Shift-Scroll still doesn't work in VAB

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I understand that the + and - on the numpad can be used and the hold-scroll wheel and drag can be used.

They're (very bad*) work arounds for a problem that you have elected not to fix because of the very bad work arounds.

* they require moving to areas of the keyboard just not used or to very very slowly and repeatedly perform a click and drag that is not natural.

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In the VAB, in OSX, Shift Scrolling does nothing, per the title. Are you, perhaps, using Windows or Linux?

Because this is a known bug.

I am using Yosemite, but it's been a thing since at least the previous version of OS X

I have reported the issue and explained why the workarounds are inadequate justification for their inaction on the matter.

Neither of which are bashing squad. Not even the tone is bashing squad.

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primary = KeypadPlus

secondary = None

group = 0

modeMask = -1

modeMaskSec = -1




primary = KeypadMinus

secondary = None

group = 0

modeMask = -1

modeMaskSec = -1


Squad are not able to reproduce issues that do not have sufficient supporting information, no information on system configuration has been provided.

Please update the tracker issue, this thread will be closed however to prevent argument.

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